Ch. 3 Making Camp

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Maggie's POV

It's been almost an hour since we had left Alexandria. The semi hasn't stopped since then, and most everyone is asleep. Glenn was asleep, he needed it after all. I squirm out of his grasp and move over to Deanna who has been crying. Her son Spencer, left behind. She watched her city crumble today, and her husbands dreams die, and her people fall. I rest against the wall next to her and say "hey" she wipes her eyes and says "he was so young. It wasn't his time yet" I say "there is no age range left anymore. You make it or you don't." She says "Thad easy for you to say. Your husband came back. No one from my family did, first my son, then my husband, and now my last son. I watched my people be eaten alive, I watched my home fall apart. What did you loose? Nothing!" She raises her voice near the end. I say "we lost Gabriel. I lost my father, and my best friend, and my sister, my mother, my brother in law. I lost everyone but Glenn. It's hard to loose someone you care about to this shit!" I feel a hand on my shoulder and its Glenn. Deanna says "I didn't know. I'm sorry for your loss" I say "and I'm sorry for yours but crying isn't going to change the fact. And yelling at me isn't either" Glenn says "what's she's trying to say is it's hard." He tugs on my shoulder, trying to bring me back to where we sat. I scoot across the floor back to where we sat near the entrance. If you stood, you'd probably fly out the back. We didn't close the door. I watched outside, the asphalt cracked and the trees collapsed around the road. They we start to drive through a clearing, a meadow and a old wheat field on the sides. Glenn whispers "it's alright." He pulls me back into his arms, and rests his chin on my head. My tears start to run, hitting his arm. I think he feels them, because he starts to hush me and try to reassure me. I turn out of his grasp and lean my head onto his Chest, he wraps his arms around me and I cry. I let the tears out, I've been holding them in so long.
Beth, Dad, Patricia, Jimmy, And Otis.
All of there deaths, and I didn't mourn like a normal person would. I cried when it happened and never looked back on it. So I was gonna cry now, for everyone who I loss. Glenn just held me and ran his fingers through my hair, I say to him "I had to kill Gabriel. He wouldn't let me save him" Glenn kisses the top of my head and whispers "let it out" my breath slows soon, and the crying stops. My eyes suddenly feel like weights, and I fall asleep.
I wake as the semi is slowing down, I look up confused and see Glenn whose asleep. Then the truck completely stops, I sit up causing Glenn to wake. Then around the back walks Carl. He says "we're out of gas. We're gonna camp here for the night and then walk tomorrow" I pop my back and ask "what can we do to help?" Carl shrugs and says "come talk to us" I slide out of the truck and Glenn follows. The fall air is crisp, it's around the middle of November. Which means cold nights, and sometimes ice. The scent of wet leaves fills my nose, and I close my eyes. Yes most people would find this scent gross, but it reminds me of my old home and the days I would be with Beth raking the leaves, and my dad would be sitting on the porch. Jimmy would be helping us, and it was all a good time. I open my eyes and walk with Glenn to the front of the semi. Rick sits inside holding Judith and talking to Michonne. Carl asks him "what do we need to do?" Rick says "we need a fire for warmth. Uh, Daryll we need food. Think you could hunt?" I look back and see that Daryls joined us, he nods slightly and says "yeah. I'll be back before nightfall." I say "I'll go look for water" Glenn touches my shoulder lightly and says "are you sure? I can" I shake my head and say "I'm fine." He nods and lets go. Rick says "alright. Glenn and Carl. You go get firewood. Tell Abraham to keep watch" I kiss Glenn on the cheek lightly and make my way around the front of the semi and into the woods. I find a small stream, looking clean enough I start to fill plastic bottles with it and hear crackling behind me. I turn unsheathing my knife. A walker makes its way towards me. I drop the bottle of water and stab it throwing the body towards a tree. I lean back down having to refill the bottles. As I go back out by the semi I see a small fires been made and most everyone is either in the back of the semi or huddled around the fire. I hand out water bottles to everyone and take a seat on the edge of the semi. Glenn makes his way from the fire to my side and asks "everything ok?" I nod and say "yeah. Just ran into a walker." He hands me his water and says "here." I shake my head pushing it back towards him and say "no I'm fine. Not really thirsty" Daryl comes out of the woods with a huge buck. I say "or hungry" he looks down at my stomach and asks "and the baby?" I sigh looking straight forward and say "it's fine to"

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