Chapter 5 - View

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Here's another chapter, hope you will like it! :) 

I know that for now the story isnt very exciting but will become as time pass. I just need to read the basis of the story, and then the best parts will come..

Enjoy the chapter, and live for the moment! :)


The first rays of sunshine escape through the window of my room. I must have let it open last night.

The sun is borning once again outside, like in every morning I have lived in this house.

Almost two months have passed since I arrived here. The summer is almost finish. And today, well.. Today was a special day... my two big little mens,will go for the first time to school. It was hard to make them fall asleep last night, they wouldn't stop talking, about all the things they wanted to do, and how it will be,  especially Louís.

"The fist thing I want to do, is play football, on a real feeld! They have one, right? Cuz if they don't I prefer stay a home." He said, unsure.

"How can I know, if they have one or not? But yes, you will definitely go to school everyday, and if I found out that you, young men, miss one single class, or was disrespectful with anyone, no football for one month, or more!

"But mummy, what if it's boring?" Marcus said a  little scared and thoughtful.

"Somethings are only boring because your mind tell you so, but if you thing they are good, and funny things, you will enjoy every moment of it."

"For sure?"

"For sure." I said with a smile, sitting in the edge of the bed, next to them.

Looking at them, as they were looking back, with a smile as bright as mine...

"Now, it's time to sleep. C'mon, lay down. tomorrow will be a great day, for us all!"

"Night mummy," they both said in harmony.

"Night my princes" I said kissing their forehead. 

During this two months I have been working in a factory, along with my mother and sisters.  I love it, not because of job we get in the factory , but for us to arrive there, we have to walk or catch the train, to the other side of the town, and trust me there was nothing as beautiful, as this town.

Every street and corner, hides a unique beauty, flowers fill the houses and the view. 

Every one smiles around here, they have pure happiness. it doesn't matter  if the times are tough,  a solution will be found, and they will never lose their smiles.  In this magic land, womens are the strongest kind. A men is nothing without is wife. And you want to know why? Because he loves her, and something I heard a while ago in here, was ' behind a great men, is always a great women' and whoever said is, could never be more right!

In the neighborhoods, people talk to each other on the balcony as they see us pass, others extend the clothing, or just sit around enjoying the magnificent view. Like everyday, I get fascinated by this.  Oh and one thing I love even more, it’s the music. a simple guitar and a deep voice, was the perfect combination.  But one thing I don’t understand is that, they sing sadness, miss. But in the day light they are the happiest people in the world.

Perhaps, that’s part of being strong. Singing Fado, is their way to tell the world, the storms living inside their hearts. The other night, I tried to sing it myself, and it was incredible, I actually could sing. I was really proud of my self! 


As usual the hardest part, was to wake them up. But now they are ready, and we are a block away from the school.

All the fears from yesterday, are gone. And Louis, just saw a football feel, couldn’t be more excited himself, Jesus.

“Well, kids behave, undersood? Have fun, study, pay attention do the teachers” I said looking directly at Marcus “ Your father will pick you up, at four, OK?”

They nod. “I love you, baby boys”.

“Love you too, mummy”

After I dropped them in school, I made my way to work. 

Suddenly, I fell on the ground, and my head start hurting, and once again, my view was all black .


I wake up soon after, with a huge headache,  and the first thing I see when I open my eyes, are a shining blue ones, inches away from my face.

“Oh my dear, forgive me, I didn’t see you coming and the next thing I know you are on the ground. Forgive me once again” The fit men said to me.

“Oh its fine, don’t worry about it, Im felling fine. But I have to go to work, I can’t be late, excuse me” I said trying to get out of this men’s arms. 

“Yes, right, let me help you.” He said helping me get up from the floor.  “My name is Josh, and you are?”

“I’m Anna”


I know its short, but I will try to update more frequently, now that I have holidays. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

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