Chapter 2: The Stalker Wolf

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Chapter 2: The Stalker Wolf


Walking into the precinct I couldn't help but feel like within moments I was going to be yelled at. Why am I always right?

"Sylvan mother-fucking Sacha Whitney, why the hell are you late?" My parole officer, Mr. Julian, a rather beefy man (all muscle) with chocolaty skin and a shiny bald head, screamed at me. A vein pulsing in his neck as he spit everywhere.

"Well," I paused to wipe his spit off my face, "you see, my neighbor had this-" He cut me off, I hate it when people cut me off.

"I don't want to hear your shitty excuses anymore. Shape up before I throw your useless ass back in jail. This time it'll be longer than three years you worthless prick."

Counting back from one-hundred I took deep breaths, trying not to land myself in another courthouse for assaulting an officer. Right now it was just so not worth it. By the time he had brought papers back to me I had my anger under control, or at least to the point where I wasn't anywhere close to punching him to death.

"Here are the rules mutt," What is up with this place and dogs? "You are in no way allowed to be near any illegal activities. You're not allowed to have or be near any type of weapon. Don't get involved in any type of violent conflicts, even if you're trying to help or if they just pissed you off. And for God's sake, stay away from the local gangs."

Damn. I already broke all of those rules in one day, within the span of a few hours. I'm so screwed.

He narrowed his eyes at me, almost as if he could read my mind. "Don't tell me you've already broke these rules?"

"No sir, of course not sir." I said, my 'sir's' dripping with sarcasm.

"Just sign this document, saying that you've heard the rules and know that I'll send your ass to jail if you break them."

I quickly signed the document, happy to be leaving this dreadful officer. While I was on my way out he called out to me.

"Sylvan!" I sent him a questioning look in response. "I get a call every time you skip school. You can get transferred out if you don't go to school for at least three days of the school week, just as long as you graduate. I'm sure that you wouldn't like the juvenile-court run school either. If I were you I just wouldn't skip, because I don't want to keep getting calls from the school like the one I got this morning when you ditched... ten minutes in."


"Peace out, J Dog!" I called out, throwing a peace sign in the air as I exited his office. Damn. Now even I'm making dog jokes.

The weather was chilly, and with my black t-shirt, jean jacket, jeans and all-star sneakers I was warm. Or decently so as I walked to the car dealership. All the while I was walking I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being followed. And now that I think about it, I've felt this way ever since I left the apartment complex to meet my parole officer. But no matter how many times I turn around I could never see anyone or anything trailing me. It was just my luck that I had to walk past a thick forest to get to the car dealership; since the dealership was near the edge of town. An eerie feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, the woods seeming to get creepier as the sun continued to set on the horizon.

A twig snapped in the woods, making me speed up my steps, trying to get away from the woods as fast as possible. When I sped up the snapping of twigs sped up as well, matching my pace, till the point that whatever was in the woods was coming towards me and fast. Only moments later did my stalker emerge from the trees, and you can imagine my surprise when I saw a wolf standing across the street staring at me. I wasn't an expert but I would have to say that wolves weren't usually the size of this one. He was huge, just as big and tall as a pony, if not a little larger. His rich brown fur blew softly in the slight breeze as matching eyes stared into my own, into the depths of my soul.

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