Chapter 3: Like OMG Gurl!

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Chapter 3: Like OMG Gurl!


I've always hated it when people wake me up in the mornings, not to mention when people who aren't even supposed to be in my home are waking me up.

It's been about a week since I've moved here and I've learned that Owens has an annoying habit of climbing into my room through the patio door of my balcony. When I locked it to keep him out he broke the lock, much to my annoyance. On the plus side I've also successfully avoided any confrontations with Vasili after the night of the club, and from what Ademar and Owens are telling me, he's pretty pissed about it.

So, here we are on an annoying Monday morning at five a.m. with him straddling me and screaming for me to wake up. He was wearing batman pajamas and no shoes, while I on the other hand was only wearing a sports bra and running shorts. He needed to go away. Forever...

Kicking him where the sun doesn't shine, and onto the floor beside my bed, I rolled over back into my comfy comforter going back to sleep after mumbling, "Go back to bed Jace. It's five in the morning."

"You only call me by a nickname when you want something." Captain obvious said.

"Yes Jace, and what I want is for you to leave my apartment and leave me the hell alone." I grumbled, sleep still fogging my mind.

So he sat on me. And when I mean that he sat on me I mean he stood up, got a running star, then jumped on top of me, landing on my back. Popping noises echoed in the silent morning air as my back protested underneath all of Owens weight. A loud groan made its way out of my mouth as I struggled to breathe. I kept slapping him until he finally decided to get off of me.

"Come on, Sy. We've got to get ready." He said as he pulled me out of my bed, lifting me up rather easily to my surprise.

"Get ready for what? It's an ungodly five in the morning, Owens."

"It's Vasili, he contacted me last night saying that he wanted to discuss the terms of my debt." He stated as though that explained everything, as if it told me why I was needed.

"Why do you need me then?" I asked, already feeling a foreboding feeling of doom settle itself in my gut.

"Well, he said that if I showed up without you he'd shoot me right between the eyes. And he said that if I didn't show up at all he'd come to my house and shoot me right between the eyes. So as you can see, I'm kind of in a pickle right now." He said speaking in an airy voice, as if he hadn't just been casually discussing his possible death while dragging me towards my kitchenette.

By now my eyes were bulging out of my skull, in an expression that was a mixture of anger and surprise.

"That little bastard..." Was really all that I could say.

To be honest, if I hadn't become close friends with Owens in the span of one week, like I have now, I probably would have thrown his ass out of my house while not caring that not going with him was the cause of his death. No one wakes me up at five in the morning, it's just rude.

"But before that," Owens paused as he forced me down into one of my wooden chairs sitting at my small circular kitchen table. "I made you chocolate chip pancakes while you were sleeping. Oh, and some coffee."

A man after my own heart! I thought to myself as my mouth watered as he placed a plate piled high with chocolate chip pancakes paired with a large mug of black coffee. As I tore into my pancakes Owens sat across from me, starting to eat his own food looking far more civilized. He sent me a questioning look, sipping on his chocolate milk.

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