Chapter 4: Catch Me If You Can, Bitches!

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Chapter 4: Catch Me If You Can, Bitches!


Damn. This hurts like a bitch.

Here I sat, handcuffed to a metal chair with my wrists red and bloody. Twenty minutes ago, when Owens and I arrived, I said some choice words and then got tackled.

I seriously need a filter.

Vasili picked me up and carried me into a storage room that was decorated with all sorts of stinky chemicals. I'm honestly surprised that he was able to ignore all of the insults I was screaming into his ears though. But he did look really pissed.

Now sitting alone in this room, not knowing what was going on at all, I decided that I should actually start getting out of these handcuffs. Awkwardly I slipped my fingers into my pocket, reaching around until I grabbed my bobby pin. I always carried a couple around, just in case. Because I mean, if you haven't noticed, I'm not all too good at making friends. Enemies? Sure, there's a hell of a lot. Which is the exact reason why I carry around bobby pins, you know, just in case one of my so called friends from juvie decides to show up craving pay back. And you know what they say; paybacks a bitch.

With my hands cuffed behind my back it was hard to reach the keyhole with the bobby pen. My right hand was awkwardly twisting in an effort to find the keyhole, unsuccessfully for a few minutes. Groaning, I switched the bobby pin to my left hand, searing around for the keyhole by scrapping the bobby pin against the surface of the cool metal. The bobby pin lurched forward, as if having a mind of its own, dipping into the keyhole. Using my forefinger I pressed the tip of the bobby pin lightly, pushing it far into the keyhole without it snapping. Holding the tip of the bobby pin between my thumb and forefinger I wiggled it around a bit, searching for the mechanism that unlocks the cuffs.

I smiled at the small clicking sound that told me I was free. The handcuffs dropped to the ground with a clack, making me wince and freeze. I waited, listening, and once I heard nothing coming towards me I walked lightly towards the door. Silencing my steps I shuffled silently before leaning against the door, pressing my ear to the cold metal to see if anyone was around. Hearing nothing I got to work on the lock with my bobby pin. Not even a couple minutes later it was unlocked, and I swung the door open.

The hallway was empty with light club music softly playing in the background. A loud banging sound surprised me, making me jump. It almost sounded as though someone had punched a hole through the wall; the noise was loud and menacing, reminding me of Vasili's death threats to Owens. Padding across the red carpet towards the sound I listened as I heard angry shouting within the next room, eavesdropping silently.

"If you won't take the deal then I'll take your head!" Came an angry shout, which undoubtedly, came from Vasili.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Owens called, wagging his finger. "Luna Sy won't appreciate that very well, now will she?"

Luna? What the hell is that? The moon?

"Come on now, Vasili, let's think about this. Killing her best friend won't put you on her good side, especially after being locked up. She's bound to be pissed." Owens continued, still using a light condescending tone with Vasili.

"Shut the hell up! I'm the Alpha so my word is law!"

"Fine, fine! I'll take the deal. I'll take her tonight and bring her to your home, and yes I'll knock her out. If I do this you'll accept me back into the pack, withdrawing all of my debts?"

"Yes, but only as long as Sylvan is delivered safely."

Fuckity, fuck, fuck. So much for being friends. Owens just agreed to kidnap me to get back into a "pack". Maybe he was a part of Vasili's gang and got ousted for owing money. But the real question is why call me Luna. From what I can remember Luna means moon in Latin, or something close to it, and I do not resemble the moon in the slightest. Confusion fogged my mind, my awareness of my surroundings dissipating as the fog settled.

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