I need you

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I made it at the hospital.
"ma'am can you tell me what room is Nina dobrev in?"
"are you a friend of hers?"
I was really nervous about her and this lady's asking me this shit!
I just wanna see her.
"okay, I need ur name and D.O.B you can't see her whit out a card"
"name Ian somerhalder date of birth is 12.8.1978"
"okay here you go, but you can't see Nina she's in surgery"
"what?! For what?"
"Sir she was in a bad accident"
"I know that! when can I see her?!" "Maximum 2 days hopefully tomorrow" I just walked away
she got me so mad.
I see Paul walking in whit
Candice, joe and phoebe,
"hey Ian! Where is she?"
Paul asked
"she's in fucking surgery!"
"Omg I hope she'll be okay"
Candice says,
few mins later Kat and Matt Davis walks in.
"what happen?!."
Kat says.
"it's Nina, she got in a car accident, she's in surgery."
Candice told her.
reports walk in to ask us questions, "who knows Nina the best?."
They asked.
"I do."
well I did  go out whit her for 3 years. "okay what's ur name sir?,"
"Ian Somerhalder."
"okay who are you to Nina?."
"Her ex."
"okay well Nina is in bad condition, she uh she might not wake up."
  "WHAT?! How bad was the accident?."
"Well, the she was speeding slammed in the car and it caught one fire,
and she rolled in a ditch, it was pretty bad mr somerhalder."
I look at Paul whit full of hate.
"well she'll be fine if she responds to the surgery, but if she don't, I'm sorry, she will be in a coma for a few days, let's hope she'll wake up in a few."
the reporter walks,
out my heart broke in a million pieces, I walk back over to everyone and tell them.
"um, he said she might not make it." everyone gasped,
Candice even started crying and sobbing,
"if she responds to the surgery she'll be fine, but if she don't, she's."
I couldn't finish, I felt like I couldn't breath,
the love of my life was hurt and can possibly die.
I ran in the bathroom and let it all out the anxiety,
the pain,
the guilt,
I need her,
I sobbed and cried,
until Candice knocked
on the door and came in,
we was in the men's room but we both didn't give two fucks.
"Ian I'm soooo sorry, this hurts me but she's strong she'll make it, I can't promise you but I'm sure she will, she's the one and only Nina Dobrev."
she giggled whit tears falling down her face
witch only left me to cry more,
I know In the show Damon and Caroline hate each other, but in real life me and Candice is great friends.
"now you be strong for her, don't cry and don't worry Ian everything will be okay?"
I said.
"now, wash your face and come on Michael Trevino came."
she walked out,
and I washed my face and walked out. "hey man."
Michael says,
I looked at Paul who was crying,
he came up to me.
"Ian look I'm sorry, I made her leave I'm really really sorry."
I felt bad,
yes I was mad at him but Paul is a great person were like brothers, I love him like one.
I can't be mad at him,
he was crying hard.
"hey, look your a great person it's not your fault,
don't put this on yourself,
and I'm really happy for you and phoebe man congratulations
on your wedding love u bro."
I pat his back,
I felt bad for him,
I would hate myself more if I hit him or something.
"I actually canceled it until Nina gets better."
"that won't take to long, I hope."


6 hours past everyone's still here,
and we never heard from anything
I called her famliy and told them there on a plane on there way here now.
and then Julianne Hough called,
Nina's bast friend.
I guess she didn't hear yet,
and she thought it was Nina since I still had her phone.
"hey jewels."
I said sadly,
"who is this?."
"It's Ian."
"Ian aren't you and Nikki like?."
I cut her off,
"we left each other a few months ago, then Austin cheated on Nina so here we are."
"damnnnnnnmn, where is Nina?, I'm happy for you losers."
"she's uh, she's in surgery"
"huh?, WHAT HAPPEN AND WHY AM I JUST HEARING ABOUT IT?!!!." "This morning she got in a bad bad car accident,
they said she might not wake up we all been waiting since 6-7 hours,
and noting came up."
"okay okay, I'm on my way I'll be there in a few hours,
call me and let me know if you hear anything."
she stared crying.
"okay I will, be carful."
"I will, I love you guys."
she Hong up,
I signet,
I was outside and everyone was inside. phoebe and Candice fell asleep,
Kat whit to get everyone to eat,
and everyone else was just waiting,
I came back inside the doctors came out finally......

Gonna upload a new chap tonight I got a lot of time on my hands

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