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4 weeks later.


It was four weeks ago when I left the hospital,
I took my cast off.
Since then me and Ian been planning our trip.
I been shooting extra long,
like 6:00am to 5:00pm
but I get like Saturday and Sunday off. Ian was also busy working his ISF thing.
I'm really proud of him and I'm happy for him.
And he's been shooting.
We actually warped season 8, And I can't believe we done that great of a job that fast.
Me and Ian got a new house it's pretty big,
six bedrooms,
4 bathrooms,
a big basement,
big backyard for our pets,
I loved the kitchen tho.
we fixed it the way we wanted.
Now we're home and tomorrow we're going on our trip,
we're staying two weeks.
We was gonna leave 1 week ago
but Candice had her baby,
I fell In love whit it,
it was so small and cute,
makes me want to have one.
Paul and phoebe is getting married in match so we have to get ready for that to.
"What you thinking about?."
Ian asked and smirked.
"Don't stress yourself babe."
"I'm not."
"Okay, love you."
"I love you."
"So we should go see Candice, I feel bad, she was always there when I was in the hospital."
"It's only 7 pm wanna go now?." "Should we?."
"Yeah I guess."
We drove to the hospital, and we was just talking,
"so what's new?."
"What's gonna be new. I see you 24/7."
I laughed.
"Your right."
"Can't wait to leave."
About 5 mins later we pull in a store to buy Candice some things,
we went to Walmart,
got the baby some clothes,
and toys,
and Candice a box of chocolates,
and some things that said,
'it's a girl'.
We got back in the car and drove.
We made it and got inside.
"hey guys!."
We said as we was walking in.
"Ian! Nina! I didn't know you's was coming."
"Yeah but we felt bad if we didn't come were leaving tomorrow."
Ian said.
"Oh really? Where you's heading."
Joe witch is Candice's husband and father of the baby, asked.
Candice yelled.
And me and Ian laughed.
"Where's the baby?."
"The nurses got her. Giving her a bath."
"Oh." "
Uh sit guys lets chill!."
Joe told Ian and I.
We was there for 2 hours and didn't even realize,
just laughing and joking,
and then the baby came in
"can I hold her?."
I asked cuz I really loved that baby. "Wow neen you really love her! That's sooooo cute!."
Candice said.
I laughed and was playing whit the baby,
she was laughing at me.
Played whit her for a little,
Then Ian and I took a pic whit her, I post. It on Instagram and caption.

"Whit this beautiful baby girl:) I love her so much she's so darn cute! She reminds me of her crazy beautiful mama? ❤ love you candy! I am so happy you have such a beautiful famliy:) love you sister! 🐷❤️😘😍"
then about a hour later we left.
Me and Ian got home.
I changed but since it was late,
I just took one of Ian's black v necks and my underwear.
and got in our bed,
Ian put on jogging pants
and no shirt and got in bed whit me. "I'm soooo tired."
I said 
"me to."
"So what time do we have to leave." "Not to early about 11 am."
"Goodnight babe love you."
" goodnight."
We both fell asleep,
and I woke up about 8,
I was wrapped in his strong arms,
I'm happy I get to wake up in his arms again and tell him I love him,
that used to be Nikki's job,
but now it's my job.
he's mine again.
And I want to not only call him my boyfriend,
but call him my husband,
and the father of my kids.
but I'm gonna let him take the first step and propose to me,
and I'll wait for however long it takes. And he woke up.
"Good morning beautiful."
"Morning babe."
"What time is it?."
"Shit, we have 3 hours to get ready."
"I know."
"Let's shower together."
He joked.
I looked at him and he was smiling, how that one smile makes my day.
I got up and kissed him.
"I love you."
He told me.
"I love you to."
"Okay I'm really gonna go shower now."
"Okay have fun."
He whit to the bathroom and turned on the water.
I walk in the same bathroom to brush my teeth.
Our shower wasn't like a bathtub whit a shower curtain, it was a slide glass door and we can see right through it.
"You look hot babe."
I told him.
"I know I always do."
We laughed.
Then he started singing,
no no yelling out lyrics that I couldn't make out.
I just sit there and laughed at him.
And he was finished and got out,
he dried of his chest and back then warped the towel around his waist.
And came to give me a small peck on the lips.
"Babe you should shower to now we don't wanna be late!."
He yelled so I can hear him.
I said loud enough so he can hear me.
I jumped in,
thank god I had hot water since Ian just took one.
He came in fully naked and brushed his teeth,
and he started blow dying his hair when they was dry he brushed them he wanted to put gel in them.
"No I like your hair whit out gel."
"Fine I won't put it."
I smirked at him,
and got out dried myself and put my clothes on,
witch I was wearing a black Corp top, lime green shorts,
and my ankle boots,
since it was a little cold I put a black sweater
and one of Ian's hats,
whit a little bit of make up.
I dried my hair and flat iron them
and whit that I was finally done.
"Ian are you ready it's 9:45."
"Yeah the cab is on its way."
He yelled so I can hear him.


The cab pulled up.
"Nina! The cab is here are you ready." "Yeah!."
"Alright I'll load up."
I get out side to the cab driver.
"Hey man can you pop the trunk open?."
He told me.
"So where to?."
The middle aged man asked me,
while I slam the trunk close.
"Uh, to my private jet, not to far from here?."
"Uh yes yes, was it black?."
"Okay I always see it I know where it's at."
"Okay great let me go and get my girlfriend I'll be right out."
I walk back in our house.
"Nina! Come on babe."
"I'm right here."
she says behind me cuz I was yelling up stairs.
"Oh, well are you ready?."
"Let's get to Paris babe."
I told her and kisses quick on the lips, and she smiled.
We walk back to the cab get in and and pull out,
took us only 5 minutes to get there. Nina walks in the our private jet,
and I pay the man and get our things out,
we only had one big suitcase,
me and Nina was sharing it.
and one little baby suitcase whit
Nina's make up and tooth brushes and all that.
"How many hours until we get there?." "We'll be there tomorrow night."
I reply.
The man that will be flying the plane came in.
"Hello, ms Dobrev and mr Somerhalder,
I hear we are on our to Paris,
witch is 19 hour ride,
no stops we just fly and relax and enjoy the ride,
please let me know when you's are ready to take off."
The man tells us.
"Um sir we are ready now."
I tell him,
he nodded and walk back to start the jet.
"Can I get you guys anything?."
The lady that will be serving us asked. "Yes, can we get two champagne please."
"Coming right up."
She walks away to get them
"well mr Somerhalder didn't know you drink."
Nina says.
"I do tho."
She kissed me.
"Thanks Ian."
"For what?."
"For everything,
for this trip,
for still being here whit me,
thank you."
"Hey I'll always be here, no matter what. And don't worry about the trip and how much money it's gonna cost, what mines is yours and what's yours is mine. I love you."
"I love you to."
She smiled and I peck her lips.
"Come here."
I put my arm up and she rest her head on my chest,
and I rest my chain on her head.
"Here you go guys."
The lady brings our drinks.
"Thank you."
I mumble,
turn around and place it on the table next to us,
the lady walks away and me and Nina grabs one glass
and I grab the other.
I take a photo of us holding the glasses. And post it.

"Time of a life time. Our love is forever...  I love you. 🌹 @ninadobrev #NIan #paris ❤️"

Nina said.
I respite,
we hit our glass together,
and take a drink.
Nina looks out the window.
"what a beautiful view."
She said,
were in the sky high up,
but I wasn't looking out the window,
I was looking at my girl,
she looked so beautiful and peaceful, she was 100 times better then the view in my eyes,
then I realized that's she's mine forever.

True love never dies (Nian)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora