T h r e e

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All I was left hearing was a slight ringing in my ear and the taunting sound of the clock ticking away. Sitting here, silently, and very most awkwardly, I had gained a habit of staring upward upon his face,slightly grinning, mostly due to the fact that he was stuck tilting his head upwards considering I accidentally hit him in the face with my book. At some point he began noticing, and could sense him wanting to stare back as well. Wait, what the hell was I doing. Getting slapped with the hand of realization, I mentally facepalmed myself and returned my mind into my math homework.
In the end I ended up procastinating and doodling. By now I'm pretty sure my detention time has passed so I reached for my phone but felt nothing. Now this is a point in everyone's lives where they feel like it's the end of the world, oh such dammed agony! I reach for all the possible pockets I had, my shirt pocket, butt pocket, front pocket, bookbag pocket, hell even my imaginary sock pocket. And nothing, nothing at all except the HD thought of my Uncle yelling at me about how I must become more responsible and as a punishment will have the replacement of the oh such lovely flip phone, until I learn my lesson.

That is, until I hear an annoying sound of quiet laughter coming from the teacher, and so I look up with him and such an evil grin.
"I imagine it's your phone you are looking for with such a fancy face of panic." He spoke in a cocky attitude. "I noticed you dropped it on your way to the nurse's office, and I've placed it on my desk waiting for you to notice" he then said. I sighed of relief and went to go and get it, being glad I indeed did not lose it. "With that face of panic, seems like there was something in there you don't want people to see huh?" He asked. "Even if someone did get their hands on it, it's not like they'd be able to unlock it, the magic of fingerprints" I so normally said, feeling like a champ but just being painfully moronic and lame. "Oh really, c'mere and watch me unlock it" he said, making himself just look so childish. I walk over there and place my hands on his desk as he tries to unlock it. For some reason, he reached over to me and gently grabbed hand, placing his against mine. It felt...weird. Although I could definitely tell the difference in our body temperature. His hands were warm and made me feel weird, as mine were probably already reaching absolute zero. I pulled back quickly as soon as I registered what was happening feeling red to the face for no reason. I gotta stop standing around in the rain, I'm probably getting a fever. He however smiled, but I noticed something odd that changed as well, as he placed his finger on my phone and miraculously unlocked it. "No fu- I mean no way." I say trying my best to contain my profanity that has stained my everyday form of speaking. That's when I notice he took off a small plastic from his finger with am evil grin. So that's how.
"By this hour, all students must go home, the school doors will be closing now, again By this hour, all students must go home, the school doors will be closing now." Could be heard over the intercom. "Well, seems like I'll be leaving, laters Mr.Adam," I said jokingly. He smiles and corrects me, "it's Mr.Adiar." I grab my stuff and look one last time back in the class before leaving. Why does he seem so different?

Words of Stone (Teacher X Student)Where stories live. Discover now