Chapter 9:

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Chapter nine:

(your p.o.v.)

Michael began to laugh after I finally calmed myself down.

“What’s so funny now?” I asked wondering if my hair was out of place or I had food in my teeth.

“You’re laugh is really really cute” he said smiling at me. “Umm, I- I don’t know if this is too sudden” he began to shyly say. “But I was wondering if maybe you would want to come to prom with me..?”

I instantly felt butterflies in my stomach and a smile from ear to ear on my face. I wanted to go so badly with him, but he had never been to any other school dance so I assumed he wouldn’t ever want to go. I guess he just doesn’t dance, or maybe he just didn’t want to expose himself like that and get bullied like I knew people had done to him before.

“Yes, but under one condition, you have to surprise me again.” I said biting my bottom lip. A smile completely brightened his face. I swear his teeth were perfect, and when he smiled, his eyes shined brighter than anyone’s I had ever seen.

“You got it! I’ve wanted to ask you since Freshman year, but I never thought you’d say yes. I’m so excited!!”

The bell ending lunch rang and I said goodbye, giving him a hug. This was going to be perfect.

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