Touring and Promises~

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"So..are you gonna move back into your house?" Oli asked me.

"Maybe. I don't know. Too many memories in that house." I told him.

"True. You can always stay with me if you want, just remember that."

"I know, babe. I'll have to think about it." I smiled.

"You seem so carefree now. I like it." He told me.

"That's because I am now. I like it too. So much stress has been taken off of me you have no idea."

I still can't believe my dad is finally in jail. I'm still in shock from it.

"I know. Well, now you can live life in peace."

"Finally..." I trailed off.

"Hey. Um. The guys want me to hang out with them, they need to talk to me about something later. Would you mind if I go hang with them for a couple hours?" Oli blurted.

"Yeah that's fine with me." I said smiling.

**A few hours later**

Oli's POV:

I got to Matt Nicholls house and all the guys were sitting on the couch talking, drinking, and watching TV. As usual.

"Hey what's up guys?" I asked.

"Look dude," Lee started, "we found out that we have to go on a tour for 2 months."

What did he just say?

"Um. What?" I was puzzled.

"That's what I said." Jordan pitched in.

"But, what about Alex? I can't just leave her! Not by herself!" I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry. We literally just found out this morning." Matt said.

"How am I gonna tell Alex that I have to leave for 2 fucking months?!?"

They just looked at the ground.

"Do you want us to come with you to tell her?" Lee suggested.

"I think I can do it by myself." I told him.


Alex's POV:

I wonder when Oli was going to be back.

He's been gone for a while.

I decided to clean up the kitchen because I have really bad OCD when it comes to messy things and plus, it would take up a good amount of time so I wasn't bored.

Once I finished, I went to take a shower, then I heard the door open.

"Hey angel. Sorry I didn't come sooner!" Oli told me.

"It's fine! Did you go to Jordan's house?"

"Nah. We went to Matt's."

"Oh alright. How is everything with them?" I asked

"They're fine. Same as always." He laughed.

His laugh sounded different.

It sounded odd.

I could tell something was on his mind, but I didn't want to say anything right now.

"So what have you been doing since I was gone?" Oli blurted.

"Just cleaned up the kitchen a little and then took a shower."

"Oh okay. You really didn't have to clean, Alex." He assured.

"I know. But I have really bad OCD when things aren't organized so.." I trailed off.

"I understand. Hey. Do you want to go and grab something to eat? I'm kinda hungry." He asked.

"Yeah. Is there any place that has vegetarian-friendly food?" I commented.

"Yes. There is this place that only sells salads, veggie burgers, wraps, and some seafood." He told me.

"Oh okay. Well then let's go grab something from there and bring it back here."

We went to the restaurant and picked up our food.

I got a regular salad and a water and Oli got a veggie wrap with a water as well.

We got back home and started eating.

"This is really good!" I said.

"I know. I go to that place a lot when I don't really want to cook at home." He said with a mouthful of food.

"Well you have a good taste in restaurants." I told him.

He just smiled at me.

He put his plate in the sink and threw away his trash, I did the same and he picked me up from behind.


"NO!" He yelled back.

I then felt him start tickling me on my sides which is where I'm most ticklish.

"STOP! PLEASE STOP!" I screamed bloody murder.

"Okay okay. I'll stop. But you have to be quiet, we are in an apartment, remember?"

"Well I would be quiet if you wouldn't be tickling me!"

He laughed.

The same odd laugh from earlier.

I'm ready to ask him if something is on his mind.

"Oli.." I started.

He looked at me.

"Yes, love?"

"Is there something on your mind that maybe you want to talk about?" I asked hesitantly.

"Uh. Well. Speaking of that..." He trailed off.

Oh God.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No! It's not you! It's just..erm.."

"It's just erm what?" I mocked him.

"Okay, the guys told me that we are going in tour for 2 months." He said quickly.


Did I comprehend that correctly?

"Um. Excuse me? Did you say that you're going on tour for 2 MONTHS?"

He nodded.

My eyes watered.

"I'm happy for you, but I'm scared of being alone." I told him.

"I don't want you to be alone, I would take you if I could."

I sniffed.

"When are you guys leaving?" I asked through my tears.

"Next week.." He put his head down.

I cried even harder.

"I hope you have fun, okay?" I said.

"I won't have as much fun without you." He answered.

I gave him a big hug.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too. Just promise me one thing." I said.


"Promise me that you won't find anyone else while you're gone."

"I promise." He kissed me softly.



So long time no chapter huh? cx

I had terrible writers block! I'm so sorry! So I just came up with this. I know it's short. DON'T KILL MEH.

So..thanks for reading!

Make sure to comment, fan, and vote you little shits c;

Also, follow me! It's helps me more than you can imagine!

Baiiiii c:

~Amber XD

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