Chapter 4

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Okay guys, so I figured you should know what jacob is thinking since he is the baby daddy. So here is Jacobs POV :) Enjoy.

*Jacobs POV*

When I found out Mikayla was pregnant I really thought she was joking. But here we are, in a doctors office, waiting for a nurse to give her an ultra sound. We've been waiting here for about 10 minutes, I'm starting to wonder where that nurse is.

After I don't know how long nurse finally came out to get us. we walk down a long hallway and into a room. It was pretty bland it had a machine that shows your stomach I never knew what it was called then it had a tray with a tube of some liquid gooey stuff that I'm not sure I even want to touch.

"Lie down on the bed please Mikayla." She says and Mikayla sits on the bed. "Can you lift your shirt so we can get started?" She asks

The nurse takes the gooey stuff and puts it on Mikayla's stomach and then rubs it around. I'm guessing its cold since Mikayla is making faces but they're cute so I just laugh at them. Then the nurse gets this other thingy and puts it on Mikayla's stomach. "Okay, so you're baby isnt very big yet and you may experience bloating which will make it seem like you're showing but you wont show for another six weeks, but your baby has a strong heart beat." She kept talking about how long until its due but I didn't listen to her. The sound of that baby's heartbeat makes me smile. God I cant wait until that little thing is out of there so I can hold it. I tune back in for the rest of the conversation right when she was talking about how far along Mikayla is, "You're about six weeks pregnant, and in about fourteen weeks you can come back and find out the gender of you're baby. Before we're done here do you want the pictures of your ultrasound?" She says.

A smile spreads across Mikayla's face and she smiles and nods. The nurse leaves, and then Mikayla looks at me "Hey," She says with a cheery voice.

"Hey," I say, "So.... you actually think i'm ready for this whole, parent thing?"I ask.

"Of course you are, you're going to be an amazing dad." She says with a smile. then she opens her arms and motions for me to give her a hug. So I do. Then as we're pulling away the nurse comes back with the pictures and Mikayla wipes off her stomach and we go home.


When we get home I get on the labtop and search for a good size house. Mikayla was tired so she went to sleep when she got home. But i'm still awake. I'm looking at my computer screen for what feels like five minutes but is actually an hour.

At about ten thirty my cell phone rings and I answer it, "Hi!" Say's a cheery voice.

"Hi mom." I say. Oh shit. I forgot they were visiting soon.

"So did you get into a bigger house yet?" She asks. She sounds so happy right now I have no idea why though.

"No we haven't even found one yet. But i found one i think Mikayla might like a few minutes ago, But she's sleeping so i'll show her before she goes to work tomorrow." I say with a yawn.

"Boy go join her in that bed!" My mom says with a loud scream.

"Okay, okay I will, Bye mom Love you," I say then hang up and head upstairs to go to sleep


I wake up to the god awful alarm Mikayla set and go take a shower, then go downstairs.

I come up behind Mikayla and wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek. "Hey baby" I say, then walk over to where I left my laptop last night grab it then open it and its still on the screen it was last night and I show her the house, and she gasps.

"Its beautiful!" She says excitedly, "I love it!" She says happily. "Hurry up buy it so we can move in before your parents come to visit."

It was a beautiful old white house with a turret and what looked like many rooms. It was a beautiful house, not to mention it has a pool in the backyard, and a very big front yard. (Picture below)

I call the owners and set up a day for us to buy the house

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I call the owners and set up a day for us to buy the house. Then feeling accomplished I get packing because we were moving in, the house a week after we buy it. While I'm packing I can't help but think of baby names.
I can't wait to be a dad.


Hey guys! So I know its early but I think we should start voting on names for the baby. So here are a couple names.

Girl: Madison,

Boy: Blake,

So vote!! When we find out if its s girl or a boy the winning gender name will be used as the baby's name!

Thanks for reading!


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