Chapter 15

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*Mikaylas POV*

The course of the next few days went very smoothly, it was great. The only thing I was stressing about was the house being ready for when Jacob got home so I went home and cleaned up and everything. Jacob wasn't due to be released for a few more hours because they have to run some tests to make sure His brain and other things are functioning properly.

I arrive early and wait in the waiting room and plug my phone into an outlit, and play games while I wait.

After about five minutes I get bored and then I decide to text some people. That gets boring pretty quick too since the only person I want to talk to is Jacob. So I finally come to a decision to pop in my headphones, and watch some Netflix. I watch "The 100" because it's my newfound favorite show. I watch maybe two episodes before a nurse comes out and let's me know Jacob will be out soon.

This excites me, it's not like I wasn't already excited but I'm so excited! I sit there for another ten minutes feeling antsy so I get up and get a cup of coffee from the vending machine a few feet away to keep me busy.

Then, while I'm sipping my coffee Jacob comes out, I get up and hug him not a tight hug because my belly won't let me and he's probably still in a little pain.

We go through the exits and get in the car. While driving down the road he grabs my hand, "So how are my kids?" He asks referring to my belly.

I smile, "They're doing wonderful, a couple more weeks and they'll be popping out." I say excitedly. "I'm ready to finally hold my babies"

He smiles a bit, "I'm was thinking the boy to be Liam?" It warms my heart he thought of a name for his little boy. Of course he's not going to be a fuckboy, I'll slap the shit out of him for that. (Excuse my language.)

"That's such a cute name! And maybe Theadore, Thea for short for the girl?" I ask.

He sits and seems to think for a while, " I love it," he says and brings my hand up and kisses it.

I know it's cheesy but it's the simple things like this I love.

We get home a few minutes later and we walk in and he takes a deep breath "It feels great to be home!" He says and heads to the fridge opening it sticking his hand inside and pulling out things to make a sandwich.

He makes two sandwiches, one for me and one for him. This sort of surprises me, Jacobs stingy with his food. "What? My kids have to eat too." He says with a face.

By this time it's almost 3:00 so we go into the living-room, cuddle up with a blanket and our sandwiches (I also got chips because one sandwich doesn't fill me up) and watch some Tv. It's the perfect evening. But somewhere in all of it I fell asleep.


I wake up at about 6:45 and realize I'm really hungry so I get up and make dinner. A lot of eating right? What can I say, I'm pregnant. I make chicken Alfredo with mushrooms in it because is my favorite and I wake Jacob up to eat, and he sets the table and gets the drinks while I make garlic bread. Such a well moving house huh. We sit down and eat. When we're both done I get up and take the plates and as soon as I get up I feel something warm trickle down my leg.

Did I pee myself? I didn't really feel it though, so i look down I look down, my water broke. I don't know why I feel calmer about this than I should be. "Jacob," I practically scream out of excitement.

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