☾After Midnight

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The ride could've been really awkward but it wasn't

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The ride could've been really awkward but it wasn't. Landon was chatting with us the whole time and it turned out that he was pretty cultured.

Cassie toned down the flirting, which I was very thankful of because I would be really uncomfortable being the third-wheel of my sister and her older date. I prayed they wouldn't forget me and kiss while I was in the backseat. Gross.

"Thanks for waiting, something came up with my other job." Landon was saying.

"You work two jobs? What else do you do besides bartending?" Cassie teased a piece of her platinum blond hair with her index finger.

"I go around to other. . . companies and talk to their workers." He said simply and I wondered who he worked for.

"So you're like a businessman."

"Yeah, you could say that."

"What company do you work for?" I asked and they both paused, almost as if they'd forgotten that I was in the backseat.

"I actually work for my parents."

I was about to ask him if he liked his jobs or had a bigger dream he was chasing after but Cassie changed the subject.

"Wait a second, how old are you?"

I continued to stare out the window, watching as the unruly trees passed by and the road narrowed. It was very dark out, pitch black with an exception of scattered moonlight.

"I just turned twenty-one." He said matter-of-factly.

"If I met you before today this would've been illegal." She laughed.

"It was illegal as soon as I gave you alcohol." Landon grinned and I noticed that he was constantly looking in his rearview mirror.

"Hey, I'm very mature for my age." Cassie said lightly while smiling and I could see she really liked him. She isn't afraid to give a guy the hint. Usually, she went through guys in a few weeks, she had a rule where she won't date the same guy for more than three months.

While I've never had a boyfriend.

"I'm sure you are."

"I'll show you how mature I am." I didn't like where this conversation was going, I wanted to stop being the third wheel.

Suddenly, I noticed that we'd been driving longer than I thought we would. I tried to find a street sign or some hint as to where we were but there was nothing but trees, trees and more trees. I didn't even know this part of town existed.

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