☽ The Goddess Inside

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I was the Moon Goddess.

I could feel it in my blood, extending in a network of branches in every corner of my body, right down to my fingertips.

And the Goddess inside is dying to break free.


I woke up with the worst headache in some random person's room.

"Ow." I sat up, clutching my temple.

I looked around. There was a shiny, organized desk next to a tall bookcase abundant with books and tiny statues. There was a square mirror overlooking a clean fireplace and three vintage paintings decorating the walls. Nothing was out of place.

This was Archer's room, the one he also used for his office. I didn't remember coming here but now that I think about it, someone carried me here and the only person it could be was Archer.

I stood up, ignoring the stiffness of my legs, and took a look around at his desk. I spotted a bowl of mints and stuffed one in my mouth, the chilled peppermint melting it on my tongue.

There were a few pictures of him and his family. One with his parents, the equivalent of the King and Queen of the pack, one infront of the castle and one in a big family photo.

But one picture stood out from the rest. Archer was standing next to a girl with long brown hair and stunning blue eyes. Both of them looked in their pre-teens.

Wait. . .

Wait, it kind of looked like Ever. Except the girl in the photo had paler skin and straight, brown hair. Her eyes were clear and she was obviously very happy.

But at the same time, they had the same face. The spacing between their eyes were the same, the shape of their noses were the same and they had the same heart-shaped face.

Was I going crazy? Were my eyes playing tricks on me?

Was this person the same Ever I'd met?

I heard someone opening the door and tensed. I relaxed when I saw who it was.

"Good morning,"

"Good morning," I greeted Archer and turned my eyes to the picture of him and the girl, "Who's this?"

Archer picked the picture up and looked kind of sad, "My sister, Azure."

So, were they the same person? She looked so familiar, even if she looked ten years younger.

"What happened to her?" I asked but soon wanted to take it back.

Zack's voice popped into my head, no one talks about it.

"Youdon'thavetotalkaboutitifyoudon'twantto." I added quickly, slurring my words. I didn't want him to feel sad but he was exceptionally good at hiding his feelings.

"No, it's fine. She left the pack a year ago. She was going to be our Alpha." It sounded like she had everything; a loving family, plenty of friends, a loyal pack, and a beautiful future.

Her life was what I'd always wanted. I wanted people to need me.

"Why did she run away?"

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