☾Ties That Bind

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"Get up," Someone kicked my foot and I snapped out of my nightmare

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"Get up," Someone kicked my foot and I snapped out of my nightmare.

I yawned and saw Cassie standing over me, dressed in layers of cozy furs and her hair a mess. I blinked and realized that it wasn't my sister at all, but Sabine, the ill-tempered rogue who kidnapped me. And I actually managed to fall asleep with my hands tied behind me.

I cracked my neck, my whole body sore and wracked with exhaustion. I hated how I was tied up.

Sabine kicked my foot again, "We're hunting, get up," For a second there, I thought she was my sister and a little piece of me wanted her to be here. But why would she want to see me, the last time I saw her was when we yelled at each other.

It must've been the blond hair.

I followed her out of my tent and shivered when I felt the cold wind slap my skin. How could they stand the cold?

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I turned around and held out my bound hands.

"You can hunt with your feet." Oh, joy.

Noelle sighed, "Sabine, untie her."

"And if she runs away?"

Noelle just gave her a blank stare and I noticed that she had some authority over Sabine.

"Fine, but you watch her." Sabine rolled her eyes but untied me and I shook my hands, the stiff rope digging into my skin.

Nice to know everyone thinks I'm a liability.

"It's not like she can escape. If she doesn't get eaten, then she'll get lost and die of dehydration and hunger." Noelle pointed out and glared at me, warning me not to try anything.

I gulped.

Day two with my kidnappers and I was already exhausted by this. I was starving, exhausted and freezing all the time and on top of that, I couldn't move my hands. I wouldn't even start with the fact that there are no bathrooms.

A few others joined Noelle, Sabine and I on the hunting raid. They led as I stayed in the back and observed. But as soon as the camp was out of view, they ran in different directions and were gone like ghosts.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to teach me?" I asked frantically, rushing after them but it was useless, everyone abandoned me. I ran through the snow, breathing hard and trying to find somebody, anybody. "Hello? Hello!" I shouted and was suddenly pulled by the arm and found myself crouched down, my feet deep into the pure snow.

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