☾Fight or Flight

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It was the fight or flight mechanism in centuries worth of human evolution that ultimately stalled me.

Different scenarios ran through my brain as I debated; should I stay or should I go? I couldn't fight werewolves, that was crazy, but I could try to talk my way out of this.

Or I could run. I was never here and they never found me.

But I thought about the rogues and how I could never think of abandoning them to save myself. The guilt would haunt me, knowing that they were people I could call my real family.

Scatter! Lose them in the trees! Ever opened the mind-link and the remaining rogues ran back into the thickly settled woods.

"Maddy!" I heard Ares yell, his booming voice echoing in my head. But I ditched my conscience and followed my heart this time.

Someone grabbed my arm, practically dragging me with them they were so fast. I looked up and saw North's silver braids swaying back and force as we tried to outrun the werewolf tracking us.

I heard the snow crunching behind us, whoever was following was close behind.

How are we going to lose them? My heart spiked in fear.

They want you. If I stall him, he shouldn't be able to follow you. North said slowly.

"No!" I blurted vehemently, wasting no time in listing all of the negatives to her plan.

North ignored my protests, There's no time, run!

Even if you stall him, where can I go? They're going to find me sooner or later.

It's better than nothing. I'm not going down without a fight. Suddenly, North stopped running and shoved me forward. She turned, her eyes lit amber.

My feet froze in place, like weights I couldn't move.

I couldn't leave her. She'd be killed.

Go. Now. She told me almost angrily.

I blinked and saw a glimpse of Ares before deciding to run without her.

I tried to channel the mind-link and see through her eyes, but North had blocked her mind off. Which didn't help my growing fear.

I ran like the wind, leaping over rocks and frozen water. I tried to distract my dark thoughts with the sky. It was clear and blue, so blue that it could blend in with a sea of aquamarines. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, which contrasted with the stormy silver skies of most winter days.

It was only until I'd been so consumed by my thoughts that I encountered more werewolves. I dug my feet in the snow, relentlessly looking around for a way out.

Conrad and Zack stood in my way, their body language hinting that they didn't want to fight me.

Instead, they cornered me. I kept backing up until my heels hit bark.

My fingers itched for my knife, which was tucked inside its sheath on my belt.

"We're not going to hurt you," Conrad said lowly, coming closer. But I didn't trust them, I barely knew them, and what I did know about them didn't help. Zack hated me, he never approved of my presence in the first place.

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