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"Why do you always take pics of me when I'm asleep?"

Jimin choked and started coughing. He couldn't believe what he heard. Has yoongi been awake all this time knowing what he was up to??

"Answer me Jiminnie I'm curious"

Jimin couldn't come up with a lie on the flow so he decided to tell the truth.

" it's just that you look so cute when you're sleeping I couldn't restrain myself from doing so"

Jimin hid his face with his hands as he said so while yoongi just blushed and looked down.

"O-oh really? You're the first one to say I'm cute"

"You're really cute, just like a kitten yoongi"

Yoongi gave jimin his famous gummy smile and the boy could swear his heart melted into a puddle.

Min yoongi fuck you for being so cute.

"Give me your phone" yoongi said with a commanding tone.

"What why?"

"I need to give you my number so that we can text all day from now on."

"Seriosuly? When did you become this soft yoongi"

" never mind fuck you"

Jimin laughed and gave yoongi his phone. Little did he know that he forgot what his wallpaper and lockscreen were.

Once yoongi saw everything, a huge smile made its way to his lips. He looked extremely pleased and somehow happy. He didnt understand why jimin made him so fluffy and warm deep inside.

As he made eye contact with him he ruffled his hair and told him

" You're such a cute friend jimin"

Jimin's face turned a deep crimson color making him mentally praise himself for approaching yoongi and never giving up.

" now delight me i want to hear you sing."

Jimin snickered and cleared his throat, he was feeling a little bit nervous but he guessed that even if he screwed up it wont be fatal because the person listening was yoongi.

He chose to sing eyes nose lips by taeyang because it was his favourite song.
Jimin closed his eyes and started singing. He hit the high notes really well.

After he opened his eyes he came across a min yoongi who was left mouth hanging open, once he was brought back to reality he started clapping with all his might in amazement. He didnt think jimin's voice was this heavenly.

" wow jimin you dont only look like an angel you also sound like one"

Jimin blushed again telling a im not that good and a its just average.

"Im such a fan jimin"

Jimin felt a bit confident after all the praise, he felt a little more brighter and was happy he decided to do this.

" your turn "

Yoongi smiled and started rapping, jimin was left with goosebumps all over his body. Yoongi's voice was so deep and beautiful, he loved how he went all out trying his best. Jimin found himself tearing up, he didnt think yoongi's voice had this much impact on him.

" yoongi you're so talented I'm sure you'll become something big in the near future."

Yoongi gave him the gummy smile again and patted his head.
"Im just going to stick with composing im not really looking for fame i just want to produce good songs that make people enjoy life and music"

Yoongi and jimin kept on chatting for the whole evening, they enjoyed each other's company and learned new things about each other.

Yoongi learned that jimin has never been in a serious relationship before and jimin learned that yoongi's parents kicked him out because they disapprove of his passion and his current line of work.

The next thing that happened was yoongi finding jimin asleep while leaning his head on his shoulder. He smiled to himself and carried him gently bridal style to his room, placed him on his bed then took a few pics of the sleeping angel in front of him. He felt pretty tired so he climbed on the bed and sunggled slowly to jimin and fell asleep.

Yoongi didnt understand what he was feeling. He thought he'll be pretty broken over his ex but no. It was as if all the emptiness was filled by a cozy presence; a cute brown haired male's presence.

Kitten °° Yoonmin Where stories live. Discover now