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When jimin picked yoongi up from the train station, he engulfed him in a bone crushing hug making him suffocate. Yoongi didn't complain though. He liked the feeling of being so close to jimin's sweet scent.
During the whole way home, yoongi could feel jimin fiddling nervously with the hem of his shirt and wiping his sweaty hands on his jeans. But the latter understood that his boyfriend should be worried sick about the whole thing. That only sent yoongi a sour sensation down his spine.

As they entered the Parks' house, he was met by silence. The air was heavy inside and both of them started regretting this decision right away. Jimin however took a deep breath, took yoongi's hand in his and shouted. "Mom we're here!"

The older just squeezed his hand noticing how his voice cracked at the end and winced as jimin nearly crushed his clammy hand with his.

Looking up, he saw the woman sat in front of a TV playing on mute. Her gaze was intense. She didn't look pleased at all. Looking at him from head to toe made yoongi realize where this was going.

" come sit here you both" she finally said and sighed.
The couple were glued to each other sitting awkwardly on the sofa gulping from time to time.

" so you're jimin's boyfriend right?"

"Y-yes" Yoongi managed to say in a high pitched tone making him mentally slap himself.

" so mind if you introduce yourself? "

" ah y-yes, I am Min Yoongi, originally from Daegu but I live in Seoul now. I currently work as a music producer under a company "

Yoongi was known for always having a tough cold surface but for the first time, he was shaking. The woman could clearly see his discomfort and his red face so she moved closer to him and patted his back.

" look boy , I am not going to eat you, I am just asking about your whereabouts to see if you're good enough for my son, although I don't really approve of the whole thing but I'm going to try and get used to it. I can see that jimin is clearly happy, that is enough for me"

The couple relaxed and the woman let out a laugh

"I guess I scared you enough I was trying to be as intimidating as possible"

Jimin whined and hid his face behind his hands. He was still nervous and he was about to cry. He couldn't imagine a life without yoongi but he also couldn't imagine a life with his mom disowning him.

The older just hugged him and looked over at the woman who was staring at them longily as he said

" I promise you that I'll take care of Jimin, I really love him please give us your blessings this really means a lot to him, your son has always been there for me and I want him at least to be proud of me in front of his parents, please don't reject us I'll do anything, I'll show you that I can live up to your expectations Mrs Park "

Yoongi was shouting by the end of the sentence, he looked determined, so manly in jimin's eyes, and if it wasn't for his mom in the room, he would've kissed him fiercely.

The woman nodded and smiled

" Let's try to get to know each other better, I know for a fact that a person that my son picked must be a great person , so welcome to the family "

Yoongi's breath hitched and by the time he was going to reply a young looking man, maybe as young as jungkook, entered the room and layed lazily on the sofa.

" stop with your drama come on mom let's make dinner and welcome the boy he should be tired from the trip and jiminnie hyung is barely hiding his tears have some mercy mom please "

Mrs Park just kicked her younger son and mouthed a learn from your older brother some respect and left to the kitchen after smiling at yoongi like a mother would do to her son.

Yoongi's heart just swelled in affection and knew for once that this family is going to be his second family. His thoughts were cut by a shout from what he guessed was jimin's younger brother.

"Are you by any chance Min yoongi?"

The pair nodded and Jihyun clapped his hands and shouted again. Damn he is loud yoongi thought.

"Min yoongi oh my god I am such a fan of yours I cant believe you're in my house I listen to all your tracks you're my favourite rapper I lived my life being inspired by you I cant believe you're my idiot brother's boyfriend!"

Yoongi chuckled and thanked the god above for agreeing on coming here and making jimin happy, he looked so satisfied and that was the only thing that mattered to him. The three kept on chatting until they couldn't stop the grins from coming to their faces.


Okay so here I am I just disappeared I am sorry I had a writer's block and I couldn't think of anything for this story but I'm back!!



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They were so cute together I teared up istg.

Jimin was basically sitting on yoongi's lap I love boyfriends!!

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Jimin was basically sitting on yoongi's lap I love boyfriends!!

Jimin was basically sitting on yoongi's lap I love boyfriends!!

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Also this pic ended me thanks for listening to my rant.

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