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Jimin only nodded as yoongi told him he was extremely hungry. He could notice it without him even saying it. He looked as if he didn't eat for weeks and jimin was mentally killing whoever caused this. The only thing on his mind now was to make yoongi plenty of food and feed him. He finally reached home and kicked the door with his barefoot only to be met with pain. To his luck jungkook was still awake so he opened the door with a worried expression but soon gasped as his eyes landed on yoongi.

Jimin placed yoongi on the couch carefully who looked like he was going to faint any near moment.
He thought feeding yoongi will be enough to make him regain his energy but he was so wrong.

He didnt understand what happened but he heard yoongi whisper weakly : I feel so sick. Then he wouldn't wake up even though he shook him enough.

It was so wrong of him to not carry him to the hospital right away.

Jungkook was fast enough to call an ambulance before jimin could even say it.


01 : 15 am

Jimin was staring blankly at the fragile figure in the hospital bed breathing soundly. The nurses said he didn't eat for a week and that he was deshydrated for probably three days. It would've been fatal if he stayed longer. No wonder he was shaking so much a while ago and he could barely speak a word.

The silence was broken by a panting hoseok looking as if he ran all the way there. The look of relief he wore was soon replaced by a frown as he held yoongi's hand and noticed how extremely skinny he became.

It looked like jungkook called everyone since jin and namjoon came a second later and taehyung finally joined them.

"Who did this?"

Jin broke the silence, he looked so scary, way too scary that jimin felt a shiver run down his spine. He has never seen jin that way, the kind always full of smiles jin looked as if he's going to murder any human he sees.

" I don't know, I got a text an hour ago from an unknown number telling me that yoongi was in the park near the gas station and I found him there all tied barely breathing."

Jin clenched his fists only to be met with a concerned look from namjoon telling him it will be okay.

" they said yoongi is going to be okay, he still has to be hospitalised for 2 days though"

Jimin added bitterly and jin nodded as he let out a sigh.
They all sat silently looking at each other no one daring to say anything. Although the taekook pair didn't really know the other three they didn't bother to try to know them more feeling already comfortable with the vibes they were giving off.
Only the small smiles made their hearts warm up somehow.

Jimin suddenly noticed yoongi's hand twitching and a frown coming its way to his face. The brown haired boy stood up then and whispered gently
"Y-yoongi are you okay?"

The blonde opened his eyes adjusting them to the light. He looked over at everyone in the room then sat up. His head was hurting and his body still ached but it felt a whole lot better.
As he saw the longing eyes of jimin and the worried yet happy faces of the other ones he felt extremely reassured but he also didn't understand why he was shaking. He was crying. Hot tears ran through his cheeks and he sniffled. He cried so hard that it left everyone shocked and not hesitating to hug him. They all embraced him in a long suffocating hug but he didn't mind since it felt like home. They all whispered some welcome back and we're glad you're still alive buddy.
They all silently understood from his weak smile that he was still tired.
But they weren't going to leave any time sooner until they heard the story.
Each one of them was mentally murdering the cause of all this.

Jin finally spoke up

"So how did this happen?"

Yoongi gulped and to everyone's surprise his eyes started to water again. The always looking tough min yoongi was now looking as if he was going to break any time.

"I don't want to talk about this"

Yoongi's voice cracked but he wasn't going to care, he didnt dare to look up and kept on fiddling with jimin's hand.

They could see the bandages around yoongi's neck and wrists, they could see the blue marks on his arms and the bruise on his left cheek. They decided to not ask any further.

The taekook pair excused themselves and went home hoseok was planning to stay but jin and namjoon ordered him to go with them because yoongi was looking so desperate for only jimin's company.

As everyone left, jimin climbed on the bed and hugged yoongi so tightly and yoongi hugged back this time, he nuzzled his face in jimin's neck and tightened his grip as if his life depended on it. He let out a sob and cried, jimin only patted his hair trying to calm his boyfriend down but yoongi only cried harder.
Jimin kissed the tears away from yoongi's eyes and told him everything was going to be okay whispering sweet nothings in his ear telling him that he won't let anyone hurt him again.

Yoongi calmed down and took a deep breath. Jimin smiled slowly then said : " won't you tell me what happened? "

Yoongi took a deep breath again then said " I will tell you.. everything... but only if you promise me that you'll still love me"

Jimin kissed him on the lips. Yoongi felt a shiver run down his spine as jimin ran his tongue on his bottom lip but soon parted and gave him the most loveable look yoongi could ask for.
" I will forever love you min yoongi, I love you and I will love you, only you my most precious thing in the world"

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