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Jimin woke up, body so heavy as if it was hit by a truck. He had a nightmare again, this time it was about him finding yoongi in his apartment, on his bed, covered by blankets, but as soon as he tried to wake him up, his hands were stained with a red liquid.

He cried for a bit heart still racing from the still fresh image in his mind.

Jungkook wasn't home.
He probably stayed the night at taehyung's.
No wonder jimin was feeling extra lonely.
He went and did his morning routine then went straight to class. He didn't feel like dancing first in the morning. His number one passion is suddenly disappearing. That only made him more depressed.

It wasn't a good day. He got scolded a lot by the professors for being absent for so long and being absent minded when they were explaining something.
He even spent the whole day with Mira since jungkook and taehyung were no where to be seen and she apologised for being so rude the other time. Jimin wasn't in the mood to object so he just nodded thinking that it wasn't a bad idea.
He didn't really listen to her as she talked the whole day about things he wasn't interested in but he didn't really mind her company. It's better than being alone right?

As they were walking home, Mira suddenly stopped and stared at jimin who was tiredly staring at her back not even bothering to ask her what was wrong.

She suddenly said

" I want to apologise to that guy in the cat café the other time can we go there?"

Jimin was a little surprised by the sudden change in Mira's behaviour. He thought maybe she wasn't that bad and that he misjudged her.

He smiled to himself then lowered his head and said

" yoongi hyung disappeared, it's been about a week, I don't know what happened but he was probably kidnapped. I don't know if he is alive or not "

Jimin didnt notice it when a tear fell down his cheek. He wiped it furiously then looked at the girl who gasped as soon as he finished. It looked so fake but he wasn't going to comment on it. He added

"I must look pretty pathetic. But I cant do anything about it, to think that i thought that I've finally found the highlight of my life, to think that I finally fell in love with someone and that someone returned my feelings. Everything was so perfect but it was all ruined. I swear my whole life is a mess right now I just want to drop dead. "

Jimin sniffled as mira patted him on the back telling him it'll be okay. He smiled weakly at her then parted ways with her. He was going to spend the rest of the day looking for yoongi.


3 days and nothing changed.

Hoseok spent the nights drinking
Jungkook cried when he saw jimin passed out on the couch completely lifeless
Taehyung secretely ran around the town at night in search of yoongi
Jin and namjoon fought and stopped talking
Everyone was a mess but jimin was starting to give up.

That's it
Yes that's it
Yoongi won't come back
Yoongi will never come back

Staring at yoongi's phone and crying silently. He was in his room, it was past midnight and he couldn't sleep.
He cursed himself for being so weak and spending the days crying. He had never felt this pathetic.

His heard a buzz coming from his phone. He looked at it.
An unknown number.
But it was a message this time.
Jimin nervously opened it.

Unknown : come get your beloved from the park near the gas station.

Jimin was shaking. He couldn't stop shaking. It was .. happiness? Fear? Will he finally get yoongi back? Is he dead ? Is he alive?

Jimin didnt waste a single second and ran out of the apartment barefeet. Not even caring about jungkook who was asking him where he was going. Or that he was barely seeing anything with his vision blurred with tears. The streets were empty and by the time he reached the park he was a panting mess with throbbing feet.

It was too dark and he couldn't see anything but that didn't stop him from running around and shouting yoongi's name.

He didnt stop searching until he was met by a small figure collapsed under a tree. The tree where he first saw yoongi's sleeping face. The sight made jimin's legs wobble. It was yoongi, hands and legs tied by ropes, eyes shut, messy hair, looking thinner than ever. He looked as if he didn't eat for days, maybe that was what happened. Jimin was feeling like fainting from the impact but still ran towards the tree. He tripped on the way and he hurt his knee , and it stung as hell but it was the last thing he payed attention to. He released yoongi from the ropes, it gave him a hard job considering his shaky hands.
He caressed yoongi's cheek then choked on a sob as he hugged the fragile thin body gently thinking that it would break if he used any force.
He carried the boy bridal style, then started running back home as fast as he could.
He was extremely worried for yoongi, he was alive but he didn't look fine at all, he didnt know if he should carry him to a hospital instead, he panicked for moment but then he heard a raspy sound probably coming from yoongi's mouth. Jimin nearly dropped him from happiness and nervousness.


Yoongi looked over at jimin, his lips curved into a smile and whispered again

" I missed you so much"

Jimin teared up and leaned to plant a light kiss on yoongi's forehead.

"I missed you too, I missed you more than you can even imagine I swear it felt like hell without you around"

Jimin said with more tears falling and the only thing yoongi did was painfully raising his hand and patting jimin's cheek then smiling fondly.

He finally spoke up

"Jiminnie I'm so hungry"

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