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Dating for like 6 months made their relationship strengthen even more. Yoongi was the center of jimin's world just like Jimin was the center of yoongi's world.
Jimin finally finished college. Although yoongi literally begged jimin to go even further and debut his career as a talented performer because not only he had the voice of an angel but he also had a rather flexible body that can dance heavenly. And never forget his killer looks.
But jimin wasn't keen on fame so he decided to only have his own dance studio and embrace the career of a choreographer. And that was what he did.

Yoongi as a producer was doing an excellent job and the pay was good as well so this was what real happiness is for him.

It was new year's and yoongi was being all pouty and grumpy since jimin was going to spend the break with his family. Jimin thought yoongi was going back to daegu as well but the boy wasn't going to do so since his parents were travelling abroad on on a vacation. They did act like a newly married couple when they had three grown up kids.

The day of the trip, yoongi went to see jimin off in the train station still feeling dejected because he won't be able to see his boyfriend for more than a week. However, he wore a reassuring smile so that jimin won't notice how truly sad he was, especially when he saw how excited he was for seeing his little brother after like what seemed forever.

It was pretty cold. Yoongi loved when it was cold because jimin would grab his hand out of nowhere and hold it tightly then smile and talk about how warm it is. The action made yoongi smile, although he was wearing ten layers, nothing could beat the warm that jimin radiated to him. It is no surprise since he was a naturally born sunshine.
Before getting on the train, the younger gave the older one a light kiss on his lips then waved at him telling him he will miss him. It attracted a lot of people's attention but yoongi wasn't going to care since he was too busy looking longily at jimin and feeling regret for letting go of his warm hand.
After seeing the train make its way towards busan, yoongi sighed and went back home. He was already feeling lonely. He stopped by the café to cheer himself up by buying something warm and playing with some kittens. He mentally thanked seokjin for having this bright idea and starting this business. Yoongi would never admit that he loved kittens way too much but what he loved more was when jimin called him kitten. He wouldn't deny it after being in a 6 months relationship with a boy who kept on calling him kitten every single day. The only ones in town were namjoon and seokjin. Jungkook went with taehyung to visit his family while hoseok went to Gwangju finally after 2 years of not being there since it was too far. This was going to be a long vacation with no lover, no roommate, just a greasy disgustingly cute couple.

The first 3 days were okay, yoongi spent them working on a new song with constant texting with jimin. He loved how he was making it a surprise for the younger, it was a song for him after all. He would call him cheesy later, but he wouldn't care. As he was making some noodles for dinner he got a sudden call from non other than jimin. He swiped the screen fast enough and replied trying to not sound too eager and excited.

" hello jiminnie? "

"Oh hi hyung how are you? I missed you you know? Just texting is not enough I want to hear your voice every day this is not fair "

"You can call me anytime jimin I'm always available"

"But yoongi aren't you in daegu?"

" No I never went there I didn't get the opportunity to tell you "

"Really? Then were you alone all this time? I feel bad now"

Yoongi smiled, he could feel the other pouting on the other side of the phone and it was extremely cute.



"I need to ask you a favor"


"You know.. mom asked me if I was dating anyone and I didn't deny it so she asked me to bring you over"

"Oh... does she know the one you're dating is a man?"

" Yeah .. but the thing is she is not totally okay with it.."

" you know jimin if you really want me to come I wouldn't hesitate but-


"Okay I'll start packing"

"Really? Thank you hyung "

"Welcome jiminnie can't wait to see you "

"Bye bye love you"

"Bye I love you too"

Yoongi let out a breath he didn't notice he was holding. His stomach started to chirp and his heart was racing a mile. He was nervous and this wasn't going to be easy. He was meeting jimin's parents after all.

I didn't update for so long I hate myself.

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