Chapter 1

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New story! Yay! I hope you guys like it! For those who've read my other stories! Thanks so much guys! I really SUPER appreciate it!
"M-Maybe...a bit looser?" I gasp for breath as the corset tightens once again around my waist. One of my ladies giggles a little.

"But a skinny bride is best on her wedding day, yes?"

Some of the other Ladies nod in agreement as they look over me and the fabric laying gently on the table.

"Would a dead bride on her wedding day be even better?"

The giggling stops and I hear a loud sigh. I turn my head in the direction of the sigh and see my mother, with her slight smirk.

"Making jokes already my dear?"

"You know I can't help it mother," A smirk appears on my lips to meet hers. Her smirk turns to a glowing smile, then she turns to my Ladies and dressmaker.

"Loosen it a little. We do want her breathing when this is all finished," I let out a groan at her words.

"What does it matter? You practically already sold me off to the lord of death!"

She lets out another long sigh and looks up at me, looking at me with her tired green eyes.

"It's for the better of our country. You know how weak we are."

"Then we could have hired someone to train our troops," I had already gone through all the different options with my parents, but they still wouldn't listen.

"There are still not many citizens in our army to begin with," She sighs. She knows all my options already, this bores her.

"We could start a draft for this country."

"We are a peaceful country."

"A weak country, that is such a coward it hides behind all its wealth," I am now glaring at my mother. She is meeting me with her tired gaze when a cough sounds behind us.

"U-Um...y-your majesties..."

I look over my shoulder and see the tailor holding my white dress gently in his hands. My mother takes a step back from me giving the tailor room to put on the dress. I sigh and hold out my hand for help off the pedestal, a Lady comes forward and gently grasps my hand. I step off the pedestal; the tailor and dress began to arrange the dress around the pedestal so it will be easier to slip onto my body. I watch as it glimmers under the candlelight and the rays of sun pouring through the window. The dress makes it look as though it were a fresh blanket of snow right in the middle of the room. Some of my Ladies coo and admire the dress, some giggling and whispering back and forth. This makes me sigh, they are older than me but act as if they are at the age of 5.

The tailor folds one part gently then motions for me to come stand one the pedestal again. I step forward, glancing over the white fabric I was to be sold off in, then step onto the pedestal. The tailor motions for some ladies to help him and the dressmaker slide it onto me.

The silk felt like water running over my skin, it was cool and felt like a cloud was covering me once it was completely on. A V-cut back that showed off my clear milk skin. I looked down and realized why it glimmered in the light, there were hundreds of tiny diamonds sewed into the dress thinning as they made they're way up my dress. I look in the mirror that my Ladies brought in and almost gasped at the sight of me in the dress. If it didn't look gorgeous before it looked absolutely stunning now that I could fully see it. The dressmakers here of Caelio are miracle workers.

I smile slightly and look to meet my mothers eyes in the mirror, "It is beautiful, if only it wasn't made for the kingdom of dogs."

"They are not dogs."

"They are. The Canus Kingdom, a kingdom of filthy mutts."

She sighs yet again, "Insults will not get you out of this."

This time I sigh as well and look sadly at my beautiful reflection.

"I know," Then I turn to face her,"Where's father? Maybe I cou-"

"He is busy with our arriving guests."

She gives an answer that drains all color from my face. I turn quickly to meet her eyes, nearly tearing the dress. The tailor and dressmaker scolding me and smoothing the dress down again, but I keep my eyes on my mothers face. I open my mouth, but I choke on my words. I close my mouth, then open to try speaking again.


She takes a step towards me. I flinch and almost take a step back off the pedestal.

"The guests have already arrived. Your father is in the Great Hall meeting them."

I take in a deep breath. My thoughts scrambling, trying to find a way out before my life goes down the drain. I try to smile, but I know it looks more like a grimace than a smile.

"He will want to see me?"

"No. They are superstitious people who think it's bad luck for a groom to see a bride before the ceremony."

"Oh. And if he does?"

She gives me a glare than chills me to the bone.

"Don't try it. I'll have guards posted outside this room."

I give a short laugh, "I won't."

"But...His mother wants to see you," She says as she looks to the door as if expecting his mother to appear any second.


Her gaze on me softens and she steps forward again and grabs my hand. Rubbing circles on the back of it, trying to comfort me.

"At least your future husband isn't an old man."

I turn away from her, not wanting to meet her somber gaze, she speaks of my father. Already 38 when my mother was only 16, she married an old man of a rich country. Another arranged marriage, just like mine.

SOOO I hope you liked it! I'm going to be working really hard on this and hopefully all y'all will love it!

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