Chapter 6

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"Hey...princess...wake up.."

Moaning I turn over on my side and mumble over my shoulder, "Five more minutes."

A quiet chuckle sounds above me and I feel large hand slide under my back and my head, "You can sleep all you want, I just think you'll sleep better in a night gown."

This scrunches my brow, and I slowly creak my eyes open to reveal my husband leaning over me.


He gives me a soft smile and pulls me up to lean against him. "Come on sweetheart, I'll need your help."

I rub my forehead against his shoulder, too tired to care at the moment. Yawning I start to close my eyes once again, but his rough voice keeps them from falling completely.

"Hey now, don't fall asleep on me just yet."

I slump into him and he sighs. Kid looks over my shoulders and scowls at the complicated threaded back.

"Fucking womens' clothing," He starts at the top. Tugging the lace so it loosens a little at the top. "How do you even do this? Hey sweetheart how do you undo the back of your dress?"

I mumble a few words into his chest. He growls and pulls me back a little, "What?"

My eyes, half-closed, focus on his pearly whites, "The ends are laced down....into the back of my look invisible."


"Mhmm," I close my eyes and start to nod off again, but then I feel cool fingers against bare skin and my eyes scrunch open. "....what...are you doing?"

"Looking for invisible lace," Kid hums.

"Well don't peek," I half-snarl as I rest my head against his broad shoulder once again.

He chuckles at this, "Wouldn't dream of it, you'd probably chop my head off if I did."

Kid's eyes narrow as he glances down the back of the dress looking for some 'invisible' thread. He sighs and glances over at (Y/n), her (h/c) hair swept to the side exposing her elegant creamy neck. He swallows and turns his attention back to her dress. Slight movement catches his eye as a small lace string sways. He tries to follow it up, so he doesn't have to stick his hand down her dress. But his eyes keep losing it, so he keeps his focus on the sliver of a thread and slowly creeps his hand down to grasp it.

"Sorry Princess," Kid mumbles.

When he has the lace between his fingers, he starts to pull it up towards him. As he does his knuckles graze over (y/n)'s bare back. Her body twitches slightly as a chill is sent up her spine and a frown is set on her lips, yet her eyes remain scrunched and focused on one of his gold buttons.

He exhales deeply, and looks proudly as he pulls the 'invisible' thread out of the back of her dress.

"Finally," Kid grumbles as he holds the lace between his fingers. "Now what sweetheart?"

"Give it a little pull," I can feel myself sliding down his chest. My body too weak from exhaustion to hold myself up. Then I feel a slight tug and hold a small tired smile pressed on my lips.


"Magic," I'm to tired to give him a full explanation.

Kid watches in amazement as the lace he tugged on unravels the threaded back. When the last thread slips out of the loop, he scoops up all the threaded lace and tosses them over onto one of her trunks. Then he works on getting the first layer of cloth off her.

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