Chapter 3

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"Stop untying my knots!"


I growl and start tying the next knot between the two sheets. Killer starts working untying the knot I just tied.



I reach over to shove him away from the knot he's untying, but he leans back out of my reach. I groan and stand up, he does too and steps back away from me. I start to tie the knot he just untied once again, I look over my shoulder as he reaches the knot I just tied.

"Don't you dare," I growl.

He looks between me and the knot, then makes his decision as he starts to untie the knot.

"Ugh! You horrible man!"

I jump up and stomp towards him. He backs away against the wall and puts his hands up in surrender. I study his mask, unable to tell what he is thinking.

"Why do you wear that mask?"

"Umm...well why not?"

"Take it off."


I now stand in front of him, so I reach up for the edge of his mask, "Just take it off!"

He grabs my hands, "No!"

I rip my hands from his grip and point at him, "As your future princess I command you to remove your mask!"

"What? You can't use that yet!"

"Yes I can!"



The door opens and I turn quickly to see a couple of my Ladies standing in the doorway gaping at us. I quickly scramble away from Killer and pick up the sheets and throw them into a corner, then look back at my Ladies.

"Not a word about this to my mother."

They nod their heads, "But who is he?" One pipes up and points at Killer.

"He is the Grand Knight of Canus."


Killer awkwardly waves at them and they wave back. I sigh at the sight, these people are so weird.

"Anyway, what is it?"

"'s time to head to the Great Hall."


I look down at my dress then back up at them. I sigh, wishing I had even a little more time.

"Well then," I start to walk towards a cabinet, and open the doors to reveal my crown and veil. "Help me put this on and let's go."

They nod and start to help me put it on. I glance towards Killer and smile slightly at him.

"Shouldn't you get going?"

"Nope. If someone does try to kill you, then I should stay with you to protect you."

I nod and my Ladies finish with my crown. Straightening up and I look in my mirror. You can barely see my face, but you could tell my face was in a grimace.

"You look decent."

I look back at Killer, then I reach for a candle stick on a nearby table and throw it at him. He ducks and clicks his tongue.

"Princess!" One of my Ladies scold.

"That's not very proper for a princess," Killer says as he stands back up.

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