Chapter 2

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"Oh my! Look at you! So beautiful! My son is a lucky man!"

His mother arrived a couple minutes ago, and so far all I could say of her is that she is an energetic little ball of red fur. Her smile is absolutely dazzling and her eyes glitter like gems.

She holds my hands and pulls me closer to her. Her eyes jump from one feature to the next. I glance over at my mom who stands near us, but far away enough for us to have our own conversation. I must look like I'm pleading for help because my mother only smirks at me.

"Oh this excites me so much!" My eyes dance back to meet the women's in front of me. "I've always loved and admired the country of Caelio! And now here is a chance to be allied with you!"

"Y-You have?" I should speak with her, she is my future mother-in-law, but she barely leaves any room for me to speak.

"Yes! I always wished our country was more rich and peaceful like yours." Her excited look lowers a bit to a sad expression.

"Well maybe I could help when I-" My voice becomes caught in my throat, I do not want to say these next words. "When I marry your son."

Her expression jumps back up, a wide smile appears on her lips.

"You could? Oh that would be amazing!"

I smile at her a little, she is like a little kid but it will be nice to have a friend when I am alone in the Canus Kingdom.

Suddenly a hand rests on her and my shoulder, I look over to see my mothers warm smile shining on us.

"Excuse me, Queen Eustass, but we should leave her to get ready. She still must get ready for this big day and we both still must talk."

I let out a slight breath of relief, but his mother only pouts a little and nods.

"Yes I guess so," She allows my mother to lead her out of the room. "I will see you later future daughter-in-law." She giggles and they both leave the room closing the door behind them.

I sigh and relax my shoulders a little, well that wasn't to bad at least now I know the last name of my fiancé.

I look over at my Ladies and tailor and slightly smile, "Get out."

"B-But Princess! You still must get ready fo-"

"I said get out. I am ready enough. So just get out and leave me alone."

Some hesitate and some already start to leave for the door, but all cast worried looks over their shoulder back at me.


They all jump at my raised voice and rush out of the room slamming the door behind them. I turn and look at myself in the mirror. A pouty princess made beautiful only by the white dress she wears.

I step off the pedestal and sit. Thinking of the life in front of me and behind. All my past memories here fly through my head. I glance towards my window, the thought of escape is the only thought left. I walk towards it, and push the glass open and lean out slightly. Too high, I think as I look down. At least 10 stories high. I would break something, possibly even die. I look behind me over my shoulder and sigh, not enough fabric to make a rope either. I look back out at the city below me. So beautiful, the colorful tapestries wave in the wind from the bazar. I can hear the jingle of coins and chatter of trade all the way up here, as well as smell all the freshly cooked food and fresh spices. I try to burn all of into my brain so I won't forget a single detail. This will probably be the last time I overlook my city. Suddenly a knock interrupts me, I turn and glare at the door.

"Didn't I say to leave me alone?" I nearly snarl.

A knock sounds again, "I said to leave me alone! Are you deaf or just plain stupid?"

Another knock. I march towards the door an swing it open, making it slam on the wall behind it.

"What? Whatever could it be that you can't leave me alone on the wor-...who are you?"

I had opened the door to a man in a blue and white helmet that completely covers his face. He gives me a slight awkward wave, then brushes past me into the room.

"Hey! Wait! What're you doing? You're not allowed in here! Do you know who am?"

"Close the door," He says once he stands in the middle of the room. I chill goes down my spine, his voice was cold and dismissive. I nod my head slightly and close the door behind me, then lean against it my instincts tell me to run, that this man is very dangerous.

"And yes I know who you are. You are Princess (Y/n) of Caelio."

The front of his helmet faces me, I resist the urge to jump on him and rip it off. I gulp instead and put my hand on the door handle in case I need a quick get away. He notices this and chuckles a little, Then he bows before me.

"I am Grand Knight Killer from the Canus Kingdom. And I am also one of your fiancé's closest friends."

I let out a breath of relief, "So you're not here to kill me?"

He cocks his head to the left as if looking at me curiously,"People have tried to kill you before?"

"Yes on a couple occasions, but they've gotten worse ever since I've been engaged to your prince," I spit out the last word just so he understands that I hate this arrangement. "But why are you here...Killer?"

"Your fiancé wanted me to keep you safe."

"Am I allowed to hear his full name?"

"You've yet to hear his full name?"

"No one told me."

"Oh. Well then his full name is Prince Eustass 'Captain' Kid of the Canus Kingdom."

"What's with the 'captain'?"

"He's in charge of our navy and insisted we add the title to his name."

I burst out laughing, "I am marrying a man named 'Kid'?"

Killer sighs and nods.

"Oh my goodness this good!" I wipe a imaginary tear from my cheek barely able to stop my laughter.

"Just don't laugh about his name in front of him."

"Why not?" Now real tears are coming from the laughter, I wipe them off my face lightly so I don't ruin my makeup.

"He can be very easily pissed off."

My laughter stops and I gaze at Killer my mouth open from shock, "What? You mean I'm going to be marrying a man with anger issues?"

He sighs, "No....maybe.."

I deadpan, "Oh. Well then could you help me with something?" I start to walk towards him.

"U-Uh...with what?"

I stop in front of him and pointed to the window. He looks at it then back at me.

"A window?"

"Yes. I need you to help me escape."


"Oh. Then could you at least get me a couple more bed sheets?"


"Why not?!"

"Because it would be high treason against both your country and mine!"




Killer: speaks in italics
Kid: Speaks in bold

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