Chapter 4

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"Maybe this is a bad idea!"

"It's a good idea."

"That's it I can't go through these doors. Dad call the wedding off!" I start to take a step back, but Killer start pushing me and my father forward.

"You're going through those doors even if I have to carry you in."

"Alright. Alright, I get it," He stops pushing and I let out a breath of relief.

"Don't worry sweetheart," My dad pats my arm. He nods towards the guards outside the main Great Hall doors. They both reach for the doors and slowly start to pull them open. Oh my goodness, this is actually happening, I'm actually getting married. And to a man I haven't even met. I look in as everyone turns to look at me and my father. He starts to walk forward, it felt like he was dragging me. My eyes sweep across all the faces, some I recognize and some I don't. I notice Kids mom near the front, she smiles and waves at me real big. I smile back, but I know she can't see mine. So I try to wave my hand at her but my fingers won't move at all.

Then my eyes focus on the altar. And standing there. My future husband. And he looked about as happy about this as I did. Hope flashes across me. Maybe I could convince him to call this wedding off. Then his eyes focus on me and his lips turn up into an almost sly smirk.

A chill goes down my spine. Oh god this is a horrible idea. I allow my eyes to sweep over him, and no doubt his are doing the same. Observing the person who I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with. Tall and muscular, and bright red hair like his mothers. And the closer I get I can see that his eyes are a dull red.

"Maybe this is a bad idea," I whisper towards my father.

"Nonsense. That's just the nerves speaking."

Each step towards the altar feels like a step towards my undoing. Twelve steps. Maybe I could run. Ten steps. He may look intimidating, but maybe he's really nice. Seven steps. This is a really bad idea. Five steps. Oh god we're even close now, what do I do. Three steps. I should just turn and run.

I take another step, my father lets go off my arm and smiles at me. Then pats me on the cheek through the veil and nudges me to stand in front of my soon-to-be-husband. I nod and take my final step, now I stand in front of him. His sly smile is gone, and now replaced with an unsure half smile. His eyes sweep across my veil, trying hard to clearly see through it.

"Hi..." I whisper towards him. All he does is nod in my direction, I sneer beneath my veil.

I feel the priests hand on my hand and I see him put his hand Kids hand, then the priest pulls our hands to be held together. Then he lets go, and we keep our hands together. Kids hands feel calloused and rough, but also smooth in some areas. He could probably feel how sweaty and shaky mine are.

We look at the priest who smiles at us then allows his voice to boom across the Hall, "Folks, we are gathered here today to celebrate the Union of a man and a women, two families, and two countries...."

•—•—(Gonna skip this part)—•—•

"Prince Kid of Canus, do you take Princess (Y/n) as your future wife?"

"I do."

"Her royal highness, Princess (Y/n) of Caelio, do you take Prince Kid as your future husband?"

"I..I..," My eyes glance towards my mother who slowly nods her head with an encouraging smile, "I do."

"If there are any objections to the union of this man and woman speak now or forever hold your peace."

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