Chapter 5

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Kid reaches down and holds out his hand. Cautiously taking it, he pulls me up off the floor. I let go of his hand and move away from him as soon as I have both feet planted firmly on the floor. My eyes steady on him as I continually back up towards my closet where I keep a few weapons hidden. He moves towards me as I step back, his eyes wander across my room gazing over every knick-knack they see scattered about.

"Nice room, very spacious and um...cluttered," His first sentence directly to me and I already want to slice off his tongue.

"Well I'm taking everything with me," I say in a sweetly sickening voice, "When we move in together dear."

"Yeah yeah I get it you didn't want to get married to me," He growls at me. I stop backing up just a little inside my closet, if I lean back just a little I can see my knife. Which I will gladly use if he tries anything.

"Of course I didn't, who would want to marry into a kingdom of beasts like yours?" I snap at him. He raises his hand and I start to reach for my knife but he stops so I do as well. My eyes steady on his raised palm.

He grits his teeth but his eyes soften and he lowers his hand, "'s a habit."

"What a terrible habit to have, now please back away from me," I whisper as a scoot back again into my closet.

His eyes dart to the floor and he takes a couple steps away from me, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you."


His eyes shoot back up to meet my narrowed ones, gritting his teeth he slowly backs away before quickly leaving my room. I stand there for a moment while listening to his footsteps echo down the halls. As I did, they stomped down the hall, and in his wake followed clatters and shrieks.

Sighing I step out of the closet and glance out the window. I shake my head and look at my empty trunks, "I need to pack."

I reach out and grab my woven basket full of colorful bejeweled bracelets and slowly place it in one of my trunks.

"Well there's one," I look up at the rest of my room and sigh, "Now for the rest."


"Oh I'm going to miss you so much! You'd better come back to visit us on holidays," My mother tells me as her arms wrap around me.

"I don't understand why I must leave now," I whine into her shoulder.

"It'll be better if you move in now," She pats my head gently, "This will help you bond easier with your husband."

Groaning I pull back from her hug, thankful her goodbye wasn't like dad's. He was blubbering mess. It was so gross, he ended up just hugging me then running inside to cry his eyes out.

My mother cupped my cheeks and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead, "For good luck." She leans her forehead against mine and closes her eyes, I do the same.

"For destiny."

She leans back and gives me one last hug before stepping back. Sighing I turn to the docks and see Killer standing infront of the ship that is destined to sail me to a foreign country.  I march towards him and snort under my breath, "Destiny...what a silly idea."

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