Thinking of Victoria

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*leo's pov*
"Hello Leo." Said the voice on the other end of the phone call. That voice- it was beautiful. It was the voice of an angel. It was the voice I had fallen in love with the moment I heard it.

"Victoria," I said in a short breath. "I can't stop thinking about you.

I awaited her response.

"That's nice." She said, a tone of boredom in her voice.

"You couldn't care less, could you?" I said.

"No, frankly Leo, I couldn't. I care more about how bees die whenever they sting someone, or that Destiny's Child are breaking up." She said.

I scoffed and choked on my breath for a second, but then remembered that I am Leonardo DiCaprio, and I can get any girl I want.

"I don't even know why I'm helping you hide from the police. It's your own fault you should be in jail, you should have just done the time and gotten on with it. If you didn't want to go to jail you shouldn't have put me into a coma. Besides, your career is over now- no one will want a criminal in their movies." She said.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and the lump in my throat growing and growing. "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Darling, it's what you deserve." And the line went dead.

I just sat for a moment, staring blankly at the floor, not knowing what to do with myself. I jumped up and balled my fists, heading towards the liquor cupboard. I opened it up and grappled a litre bottle of Smirnoff, pouring it into a glass and downing it, over and over. It wasn't long before I noticed over a third of the bottle was missing, and I saw sense and put the bottle back.

I walked over to my TV cabinet, where sat a framed photo of Victoria and I, in front of the Eiffel Tower on New Years Eve 1999. I stared at it, grimaced and threw it on the floor, delighted as I watched the frame shatter into a million tiny pieces.

I had never been told no by a girl before, so I came to the conclusion that I was angry because I didn't feel like a man. What could make me feel like a man again?

I found an old picture of Victoria in a red Bikini, undid my zipper and began jerking off. However, I felt absolutely nothing. Well- nothing sensually. I felt pain, guilt, remorse, but no pleasure. I put my dick back in my jeans and yelled out in frustration. How could I stop feeling this awful?!

I picked up my mobile and dialled the only number I could think of at that moment.

"Hello?" Said the voice.

"Hey, Olivia?" I said, nervously.

"Oh, hi Frank." She said in a disappointed tone.

I sighed. "Do you want to hang out?" I asked.

"To be honest Frank, no I don't." She replied.

Frank? I thought, failing to remember that I had told her my name was Frank, to hide my real identity.

"Uh- why not?" I asked, pulling myself away from my thoughts.

"You made me feel like such an idiot the other day, I thought you actually liked me! And I hear you on the phone telling another girl you still love her, then telling me to fuck off? It's just not on." Olivia explained.

I honestly didn't know what to say. There was nothing I could say that would get me out of this situation, there is literally no excuse I could make.

"No! Listen- I was... Rehearsing. For a new role! Yeah. I came back as soon as I went through the gate but you had left, I thought you would have realised..." I said. There was silence. "I've tried to call since then but I think I ran out of credit or something."

"Rehearsing? For what?"

I forgot that I'm not Leonardo DiCaprio
I'm Frank and I sell things!!!!

"Um..." I stuttered. "I'm thinking about auditioning for a play back home. It's called into the shadows."

I think she bought it.

She laughed. "Sorry."

I laughed too. "It's okay. I should have told you. So... Are you free to hang out?" I asked.

"Yeah I am, where to?" She said.

"My place? I can get you a car here." I offered.

"No, don't bother." She laughed. "Just text me your address and I'll find my own way there."

Author's note:
Lmao sorry this chapter is wank, it's just a filler but I'm really losing ideas like I have no idea where this story is going it's just improv init😅 anyway, I'll publish the next chapter now so you don't get bored waiting for fuck all to happen. Ps. Thank you for 100 reads!🎉
Love Molly X

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