We can be friends

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I followed Victoria as we entered Hyde Park through a set of black gates below an arch. I caught sight of him immediately, sat on a metal bench, staring out at the lake. Victoria had also already found him, I noticed, and looked back at me and nodded her head.

"Leo?" I said, walking cautiously towards him. He looked up at me and smiled weakly.

"Olivia..." He said, taking my hand and holding it. "I'm so sorry." He then looked behind me, and he let go of my hand, his smile dropped. "Why is she here?" He said, referring to Victoria.

"She brought me here." I said.

"What are you doing with her?!" He said, more angrily.

"Why were you meeting her?! Someone told me she's your ex fiancé." I said back.

"She told you didn't she? Victoria you bitch!" He yelled, standing up.

"YOU should have told me, don't be angry at her!!" I retaliated. All the while Victoria just stood there, smirking and chewing on some gum. I couldn't help but think that she was enjoying this.

"It's all your fault!!" He yelled at Victoria. "Why would you ask to meet at Olivia's café!? You... You fucking... Whore!"

I noticed Victoria catch her breath and raise her eyebrows. Without saying anything, she reached into her bag and took out her mobile, dialing only three numbers then putting the phone to her ear. Leonardo and I just stood and watched, while a look of panic appeared on Leonardo's face.
"Don't ever call me a whore." She said coldly.

"No." Leo said under his breath.

"Police please." She said into the phone.

"Victoria, please!" Leonardo said, stepping towards her.

At this point, I was completely lost. I had absolutely no idea what was going on, or why Victoria was calling the police. I was calm, though. What was she gonna do, report an argument? The police would laugh at her for wasting their time, I'd never get arrested. I didn't know why Leonardo was so panicked.

"Help!!" She suddenly yelled. "I'm being raped, someone help me!" She began panting and crying down the phone, saying "hurry" every so often. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen to the spot. I wanted to help Leonardo, I really did, but I couldn't move. I had never been in this situation before.

Leonardo looked as if he was going to say something, but then his voice would have been caught on the phone call tape. Instead, he just looked back at me, flustered and frustrated, and said, "I'm sorry." He then grabbed his coat and ran in the opposite direction, and kept running until he was out of sight.

"Why are you doing this?" I said bitterly to Victoria. "He's a good man, he doesn't deserve this bullshit."

"A good man?" She laughed, almost evilly. "Oh honey. Leonardo, a good man? Yes, and I'm Japanese." She laughed again. "He's supposed to be in prison anyway. I'm just doing the authority's a favor."

"Prison?" I accidentally thought out loud. "What for?"

"Oh, he only put me into a coma which caused me to lose my memory, that's all." She said, uninterested in talking to me.

I was shocked. I knew he had some trouble with telling the truth, but violence? I had no idea. Maybe that was why he hadn't made any movies since 2001.

"That doesn't make sense..." I said. "Leo's not like that."

"Oh babe, 'Leo' is exactly like that." She said, putting air quotes on the 'Leo'. "You should thank me, I saved you before it was too late." She sat down on the bench and lit a cigarette. "Want one?" She offered the box to me. I shook my head promptly.

"How do you know what happened?" I asked, sitting next to her.


"Well, if you lost your memory, how do you know that's what happened?" I asked.

She looked stumped. "Well, he told me."

"Oh." I said, awkwardly. "What's his sentence?"

"80 years or something." She said, before taking a drag of her cigarette. "Though, he made some sort of appeal and managed to get it cut down to 15. I don't know how that works to be honest, the authorities are a mystery." She let out an almost forced laugh.

I took out my mobile phone and checked for texts. Oh, none, as always. I looked out to the lake, and listened as the sound of sirens approached and soon quietened again, as police cars zoomed past us. Once it was silent, I could hear faint sniffling. I looked at Victoria, and saw that she was crying, holding a handkerchief to her nose. "He said he loved me." She said between breaths.

"I'm sure he meant it at the time." I said, trying to comfort her.

"Not at the time. Now! Like last week! I don't know why I believed him..." She said, before blowing her nose in her hanky.

"Last week?" I said. "He said he loved me."

She laughed. "You see?! You can not trust him! He will take your trust and throw it on the floor, shattering it into a million pieces." I said nothing. "Olivia, I'm not just saying this because I'm jealous. You have to get away from him! If you stick around, he'll hurt you the same that he hurt me."

"Can I have a fag" I asked, and she handed me the box. I took one and lit it, before placing it in my mouth and breathing in. Seconds later I took it out and began coughing and spluttering.

"First time?" She said.

"Yeah." I said under my breath.

"I like you." She said. "We can be friends." I smiled and nodded. "But you have to get away from Leonardo. Don't make the same mistake I did."

Thank you for 500 reads!! That's absolutely amaze! Love you all❤️

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