Know Your Enemy

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I was disappointed to learn that the girls were going home in a few day, everyone other than Pete was going back to school, but the worst was this.

"You can stay with me and my boyfriend since you need a place to crash," Pete wanted me to stay with him.

I didn't know what to do. One I would be staying with Pete, which doesn't sound good. Two it will be with his boyfriend and I don't want to be the third wheel. But, I need a place to stay.

"Yeah sounds good," I sighed.

"YES ROOMIE IM SO PUMPED! My boyfriend always has drugs we can fuck you up real bad."

Ugh this this is going to suck so bad. The rest of the day Caroline made us clean. Joe curled up in a ball and cried when she vacuumed the cocaine.

At like nine pm we all were smoking pot and playing cards when the door opened. In walked a boy and girl both in their mid to late twenties.

"Well you're home early," Caroline said coughing out smoke.

"Yeah we got an Uber so you didn't have to drive us, throwing a party I see," Caroline's brother smirked.

"Nah we just are playing cards," Maddie explained.

Caroline's brother and sister in law laughed and joined the game. Then the girls went back home. We probably won't see them for months. Then the guys went home and since vacation is over soon, we probably won't see them for a while.

"Ready to see your new home?" Pete asked.

I'm not. Not at all. I'm afraid to start over. I'm scared of what my new life will bring. Maybe I can just run back home and apologize to my mom. But I know I can't do that.

"Yeah I guess."

Pete pulled up to a shity house, in a shity place, probably owned by a shity person. I noticed across the street was a crack house, great.

We got out of the car and Pete was hopping with excitement. He grabbed all my bags and ran into the house. I of course was less excited. The fact that someone in the crack house called out to me.


I walked into the open door and wasn't shocked by how grows it was. Just imagine a drug house.

"Mikey you'll be sleeping down here," he then preceded to throw my bags down the stairs.

"Gee thanks," I smiled at him.


I'm lest exited about this. Everyone said how much they hate Petes boyfriend. He's greasy and rude. They also said he's kinda controlling and this Petes only dating him because he's afraid of him. I don't think he's ever hit him but. What's the weirdest is Pete is 17 but he's 23.

"Mikey this is my boyfriend, Bert," Pete led a greasy long haired looser in, he was smoking a cigarette and was definitely wasted. He looked annoyed to be woken up. I recognized him right away.

I started remembering the time Gerard spent with him. The drugs he made him take. How scared Gerard would be to say no to him. Gerard broke up with him when he bashed my brothers head in with the side of the coffee table, then preceded to burn his arm with cigarette.

"Mikey Fucking Way," Bert smirked at me," It's been, to long,"

"If that's how you want to put it," I felt burning hatred rise.

"You guys know each other?" Pete looked really confused.

"Yeah we've know each other for a awhile," Bert barked.

Pete didn't get the ton meant stop talking about it because he continued.

"How do you know each other?"


I started remembering how he would yell at Gerard and how he would then comfort him. Leading him to believe he loved him. Sure enough he did the exact same to Pete.

"Look I'm sorry, I'm just tired," he pulled Pete into a hug and kissed the shot guy on the forehead. " go get me a beer."

Pete obeyed, leaving us alone.

"You're a fucking cunt you know that," it took ever bit of strength I had not to punch him.

"Oh come on Mikey. Your brother loved me. Pete does to, I was on drugs when that whole thing happened. I would never hurt either of them," he bull shited.

"Gerard always had cuts, druses, burn marks. Don't you dare act all high and mighty. First off they both are to young for you. It's fucking disgusting. It's fucking rape man. And dude even if you don't hit them, which you do but, you mentally hurt them. Fuck not even talking about the drugs," I've wanted to tell him this my whole time of knowing him.

"Mikey blow me," is all he had to say.

Then Pete came back with the beer. he herd us talking, just knew better to say anything.

That night I had a nightmare. It was of when Bert beet Gerard.

I was watching Tv with them and Bert was on a cocaine high. He kept trying to get Gerard in the mood. He was kissing his neck, playing with his hair, and pulling up his shirt. Gerard wasn't in the mood and didn't really want to be. After awhile Gerard lost it and snapped.

"BERT FOR FUCK SAMES STOP IT!" Right when he said it Gee regretted it.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN FUCKING TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Using all the force in his body Bert slapped Gerard across the face leaving a red mark. Then he took the cigarette he was smoking and put it out using Gees wrist.


Bert took a handful of my brothers hair and smashed his forehead into the coffee table. Blood painted his face, moving fast to his neck. Bert did this another two times but to the back of his head. He left Gerard bleeding on the carpet. But before he left the house he spit in his eye.

I waited till the door shut to run to his side.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD GEE!" I had no idea what so do.

Gerard was sobbing and told me to call 911.
I woke up in a cold sweat. I looked at the clock it was three am. I started crying having to re see that. Then I turned over and fell back asleep.

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