Uncomprehensive(Chap. 7)

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Hey y'all this is a picture of what I imagine Jackson to look like! Thank you for all of the followers! Y'all are the best! Keep reading and enjoying as the story goes on.Thx sooooo much and stay amazing!


Belle's P.O.V.

In my car on my way to school, I was terrified.

It was sure to be another awful, lonely day at school today. Recently rumors had spread that I had called Libby unimaginable things.

I admit, at the time I hated her, but now I truly regret leaving her standing by herself that day in the courtyard. I miss her laugh, the movie nights on Fridays, and the constant gossip she had to give me. Of course, there had been several times when I wanted to go up and say hey, but I realized she would just turn her back to me the way I had done just days before.

Ben had tried talking to me, but I can hardly look at him without bursting into tears because of the yearning I felt on my heart.


A loud knocking on my passenger window awoke me from the self pity-party I was throwing. I looked up, tears in my eyes, to see a boy my age standing outside the window.

After rolling the window down, he said "Hey, are you ok?"

I quickly wiped my tears and looked at this stranger. Who was this boy, and why was he at my car window?

"Do I.... know you...," I asked,praying that I didn't.

"Oh, no you don't," He chuckled.

I was still perplexed as to why this kid was talking to me.

"Oh I guess you want to know my name."

"Noooo, really," I said with a sarcastic tone of voice.

"I'm Jackson," he said, reaching his hand into the car trying to shake my hand, but it really was just very awkward.

"Belle," I said, awkwardly shaking his hand back. He just smirked at me like I was some idiot.

"Well, nice to meet you, Bella."

"Uh, just Belle," I stated, I hated it when people called me Bella.

"Oh, sorry. Of course Bell-a," He laughed and walked away, leaving me to ponder what just happened.

One thing was for sure, there was no denying his good looks.

Stop it Belle! You can't trust anyone right now!

But his eyes were a dreamy blue, and his skin was perfectly sun-kissed. His hair was a deep chocolate brown with blonde highlights throughout it. His smile, however, was the most perfect part about him. As soon as he parted his lips, his eyes crinkled along the sides. He had the tendency to half smirk, bringing the right side of his mouth higher than the left, and his teeth were pearly white and perfectly straight.

Oh. My god, Belle stop! You sound like a lovesick puppy or something right now. You can't trust him! Although maybe some trust was just what I needed right now...


School was awful, as expected. Everyone looked at me like I was a vile creature who didn't deserve to be living on the face of earth.

Although, I'm not even the one who kissed their best-friends boyfriend. What did I do to gain everyone's hatred?

This has by far been the worst day, especially lunch. I walked into the cafeteria (duh) and noticed something was off.

It took me a couple of moments to realize, but after finding an empty table to sit at, I figured out what had felt so strange. Everyone in the room was looking at me. Then, as if planned, table after table walked up to me, and dumped their lunch trays on me. I started to cry, and looked for an escape. I met Jacksons eyes, and he was clearly sorry for me, but he obviously didn't care enough to put an end to it. As I stood up, I shot him a glare, and stormed out of the room, tears streaming down my face. Just when I had thought I had a friend, this happens. Great. But, as I reached the door their was a commotion, and I found myself turning around at the sound of my name.
"Belle! Wait," Jackson called out, and everyone looked at him with disgust
"Ew.. he is talking to her," I heard one girl call out. He either didn't hear, or didn't care because he continued talking.
"Everyone, what has brought you so low that you feel the need to waste your lunches on this poor girl? What did she do to you?," He said in a calm voice. I smiled to myself when no one answered. Then there were a few muttered apologies, which was impressive.
"You better be sorry. Belle, come on. Let's find somewhere else to eat," He said in disgust. Then, as if nothing had happened, everyone started talking to their friends again.

"Thanks," I mumbled as we were out of the café.
"What was that," He smirked, and I knew he had heard me.
"Thanks," I shouted in his ear. He backed away from me, obviously not expecting me to yell at him so suddenly.
"Geez! Someone's very loud when they want to be, " He said, still in shock. This time it was my turn to smirk. Maybe I had found a friend after all...


Hey y'all, hope you enjoyed this chapter. If your liking it, please comment, share, and vote. And if you didn't like it, then don't do those thinks. Or do those things. *wink wink* Hahahaha oh goodness... I'm terribly sorry for my awful sense of humor... Love you all, and continue to read xoxoxoxo

- @2dayiFeelLikeWriting

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