Recurring (Chapter 11)

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Belle's P.O.V

"Ben? Is that you," I asked in the dark of my room.

"Shush Belle, I just came to apologize," he stated in a kind voice.

After that Ben proceeded to sit on the edge of my bed, and stared at me for a moment.

"I s-still love you, Belle," he whispered, looking at the ground.

"I love you too Ben," I whispered back, studying his facial expression.

"I just can't believe you would do that to..."

In one sudden motion, his lips were on mine, stopping me mid-sentence. I pulled away, resisting the urge to smile.

"Belle, please, I need you," he pleaded, staring deep into my eyes.

"I know Ben, I know....."


I woke up in a cold sweat, with an idiots grin on my face.

Why has this dream been happening so often lately?

I don't actually miss him....

Do I? Ugh! The thoughts in my head continue to swirl, mixing into a whirlpool of emotion. I still love him, but a part of me tells me to hate him. Its tearing me apart, my social life, my family life, my grades.


I immediately rush downstairs and tear my homework out of my bag. I destroy the house searching for a pen, and once I find one it doesn't actually work. Great, I think to myself. My parents are going to kill me. I bend down and rest my head on my knees, breathing in and out slowly. I just need to calm down... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5- A PEN!!!!! I run over and grab the pen then swiftly walk back to my bag, realizing I should be more quiet due to the fact that my parents were still asleep.

What is the main job of a serologist?: Forensic serologists assist in criminal investigations by analyzing blood, urine, saliva, and other bodily fluids found at crime scenes.

When no serologists are available, what do states rely upon for experts?: States rely upon their Chief Medical Examiner's office, forensic pathologists, or board-certified toxicologists.

What is blood made up of?: The blood cells are mainly red blood cells (also called RBCs or erythrocytes), white blood cells (also called WBCs or leukocytes) and platelets. The most abundant cells in vertebrate blood are red blood cells.

How many different antigens are found in blood?: Ben anti-

Shoot. I really need to get to bed and stop thinking about Ben. However, instead of my thoughts settling on Ben, the settled on someone worse. Jackson... I really think I might have feelings for him... not right now Belle, not right now. I finished up my homework, and went up to bed. I tucked myself into my covers and turned off the light. After burying my head into my pillow I fell, almost instantly, into a perfectly calm sleep.


Sorry for the long wait on chapters guys!!!!! And sorry its so short!!!!!!!! We will be posting more soon, we promise!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo -@2dayiFeelLikeWriting

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