Unimaginable (Chap. 6)

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Hey y'all! Thank you so much for 227 followers and starting now you guys can give me advice on how to continue this "amazing" story! Thanks again and never stop being amazing! The pic up above is the picture that Vanessa while eventually post in this chapter!And the picture in the chapter is a picture of Zach! Don't forget to comment any ideas down below!


P.O.V. Vanessa

I was sitting on my bed when I received the call. I had just gotten back from a walk around campus and taken a great selfie near the old red barn. I was about to post it on Instagram when I got a call from the Elliot Hospital.

Two weeks earlier my mom made Libby and I take medical tests, you know, just to check that everything was okay. Well guess I was getting the results today...

I have lung cancer

After I received the news my first reaction was to start bawling and my second one was to call my sister Libby and tell her the bad news. But as I reached for the phone I realized that I couldn't talk about this at this very second. So I just cried and then cried some more. 'I am going to die and be the laughing stock of school because I am going to lose all of my hair and be bad and ugly and I am going to lose all of my friends,' I thought to myself. But then I finally mustered up some courage to talk to someone so I called Libby, my favorite person in the whole wide world.

I called her while still crying and I could feel the tension of her trying to be strong even though normally I was the over-protective and strong one. Clearly I wasn't as strong as I thought I was (no pun intended).

When I finally reached Libby she wasn't in a good mood because apparently, some guy Ben just kissed her and wasn't supposed too? I finally told her and we bawled together promising to keep each other's secret.

Later that day I went to go see my friend, Zachary Parson. He already knew about all of this because somehow he managed to find out. Hey, that's what best friends are for, to know you better than yourself!

We met, technically, before we were even born and we've been best friends ever since. 

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He is cute but in an older brother way because he's super over-protective of me and always wants the best for me. Anyhow....

When I arrived at his dorm room, before I even touched the door he yelled, "It's open!"

As I opened the door I saw clothes everywhere, books thrown across the room, and Zach sitting at his desk grinning at me.

He knew how to cheer me up when I had a bad day and that is exactly what he did. He had a ton of our childhood games planned  out for us to play.

Monopoly, Game of Life, Manhunt, knocking on peoples doors without getting caught, and soo much more.

And let me tell you what a blast that was. We laughed and played and laughed some more.

However our fun ended when I got a call from the hospital. They told me that my cancer was something that couldn't be treated but they would try their best.

What an 'uplifting' call that was.

They also called to schedule my first chemo therapy appointment. So I said that after 3 pm that I would be free and they said okay.

 And that pretty much ruined the rest of that day for me and no matter how hard Zach tried to cheer me up, it was no use. Cancer sucks! I was dying and only two of the people I cared about knew, Libby and Zach.


Hey y'all! Sorry for such a short chapter however I'm getting writer's block and I also don't he that much time to write. I got an idea from @RGyston and from now on I will be putting a limit of views and comments and votes to post the next chapter. So I will only post the next chapter after we have


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I love y'all and I know that we can achieve this EASY goal!!! JK! However I do love all of you and am so thankful to have all these wonderful people reading my sucky book! Make sure to Read, Vote, and Comment!


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