Welcome to Olhi. Where girls can fly and blind kids can beat up super spies. In a world where reality and myth are one, not all is as it seems. Something big is coming. And a group of 'Heroes' need to band together. If they can stop arguing.
A/N So...
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As you can guess by the extremely creative title (must've been named bye the British, am I right TWMS?), I have been tagged by the extremely amazing SnoweyColdFace. Check out her channel in the description below because she is an amazing person (sorry too much Skydoesminecraft) without further ado, let's begin! I'm supposed to say 21 things about my self and so now I'm READY TO GOOO!!! (Get me outa my mind, get me outta my mind)
1. I have attended a total of four, soon to be five schools. I went to Danville for preschool, Cascade (Mill Creek East) for Kindergarten through Fourth grade, Tri-West (North Salem) for fifth grade, then to the middle school for sixth. Next year I will be hopefully finishing middle school and high school at Plainfield.
2. I stay up late every night watching Daredevil, Arrow, Flash, Young Justice League, and Criminal Minds.
3. My favorite character from Criminal Minds is Dr. Spencer Reid.
5. I am not lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, but if you are then I stand up for you! Go L.G.B.T rights!
6. I want to be an author when I grow up.
7. My second favorite religion (second to my own, Christian) is the Greeks! It's really interesting.
8. I'm a member of the swim team.
9. I play the flute.
10. I am a level 100 fan girl (out of ten). I love PJO, HP, Arrow, Criminal Minds, Flash, Daredevil, Avengers, and Young Justice. And a million others.
11. My favorite bands are Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boys, and My Chemical Romance.
12. I am a member of English Bowl.
13. I am currently listening to Dead! By MCR
14. I love Undertale! It's the best thing since Minecraft.
15. My nickname in school is *sigh* Peeko. *yells across the room* THANKS A LOT FOR THAT ONE The_Jakemeister!!!
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