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Me + You © 2011




 I hummed happily while walking to Cheyenne Middle School, it was my first day there and I was excited. You see, I didn't take the mom's car because I wanted to see and feel the school for matter how weird that sounded.

I pushed my glasses up and thought about friends, classmates, and of course---boys!

I frowned at the thought of my old school, people used to bully me there and I didn't like it. There was one person who stood up for me, my old best friend Sally. She used to comb my hair every morning and act like my mom. It was really nice.

 Suddenly, I felt something hard hit against my head and I could feel a blush rising up to my cheeks. I looked up to see that I smacked myself in the middle of the pole! I hope nobody saw this! I turned around to check but there was this pink shirt guy parking his bike. He didn't look at me though.

I started walking again but then I heard the guy's voice..

"I saw that,"

I stopped in the middle of my tracks and slowly turned around. That. Was. So. Embarrasing.

"You did?" I gulped.

He looked at me and pointed something in my face. 

"There's a huge mark on your forehead."

If it was possible, I would have melted into the ground and wished that it would swallow me. I adjusted my glasses once more and nodded. I examined, more like checked out, the brunette in front of me. He was sort of cute, I guess.

"My name is Greyson Chance, I'm going to school in--" Greyson says while looking at his grey watch, which is kind of funny considering his name. 

"My name is Kimbery Rose," I reply back while waiting for his answer.

A second later, he looks at me before opening his mouth.

"Ten minutes.."

I look at my own watch and it was true! Greyson must have the same school as me! It was alot of time, but considering I stare off to space then I won't risk my chances

"ME TOO!" I yelled with panic. Without hesistation, I grabbed his hand and ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. 'Cheyenne Middle School' was chanting in my mind all over again, however, I did notice that Greyson was staring at me weirdly. 

We finally arrive and there were many people there, girls were huddled together while the boys acted more tough looking. A grin was on my lips as I see them carrying some books. A nice place for a fresh new start, a really nice place. Just then, I heard a cough and saw that Greyson had a tint of pink in his cheeks. He looked all innocent looking, like a child who recieved his first kiss. WAIT! Not a good way to think of him like that.

"Yeah...?" I said. Greyson motioned to the hand I was holding and then back to the school people, the girls were giggling and pointing at us.

"Oh.." I replied awkwardly.

I slowly removed my hands from him and wished that the ground would seep me up again. I mumbled a goodbye as I walked all depressed like to my locker, hating how rumors are going to start. This is what happened to my old school, the rumors destroyed me. Although, I wouldn't mind if I dated Greyson. 

I mentally smack myself in the head and told myself to get all the thoughts away from him. Besides, like what my overprotective dad told me, he said


"Education comes first, Job comes second, and then you can make babies later on once your rich."


Flashback ends...

Yep, that wasn't a good conversation. 

I snap back to reality and pull out my schedule from my backpack, grabbing the appropiate materials I have for my class. Yes, I already registered for school yesterday so I got everything. Don't ask me how won't believe what my MOM did this time. I entered my locker combination and shoved all my stuff in there, quickly closing it so it won't fall back down.

Now...tell me....would you believe me if I say there is a 'monster' in my closet? Heh, of course haven't visited my room yet.

I was interuppted from my thoughts again when I heard a familiar voice in the hallways. It was the pink shirt dude---I mean Greyson!

I walked to where the voice was located and saw a tall, asian guy towering over my buddy. He said something that made me gasp...

"You look like a princess,"

His voice mimicked a screechy girl as he put an imaginary crown on his head. That was just pure insult right there....NO ONE INSULTS GIRLS LIKE THAT! Not anymore, I think.

"I think his shirt is nice!" I blurt out. Their heads turned to me as Greyson became bright red when he spotted me. What is up with him these days? Guys and blushing don't match...unless....he likes me! Just kidding, that will never happen. I mean, have you looked at me? I wear GLASSES!

"Thank you?" He said while scratching his head. The tall asian guy grunted and stalked off somewhere. I skip happily over to Greyson and hooked my arms into him, I consider him my best friend now. He can't say no because everyone loves me! A silent evil giggle was in my head, I forgot all about the bad stuff that happened in the past. 

Right now, I'm happy to look in the future with him. 

The pink shirt dude.


Hey guys! I hoped you like my story, I think I did good...yes, no, maybe so? Oh, and I researched about the bullying thing problem (I decided I didn't want Greyson to punch the asian kid) o_o

SO THAT IS JUST THE PROLOGUE! Let me check my time...

this took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to write/type

Do you think I should continue? (PLEASE SAY YES XD)

Comment if you do <3

AND REMEMBER..... that I will always love you *cough* not really


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