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never closing eyes, we look deep down inside, wishing all this pain would subside -t.s

Scared. That was the only word to describe the situation Louis and Styles were in now. They didn't know what to do; no plan would get them out of this right yet.

Once they bumped into Jason, they got stripped from weapons- Styles had a hidden knife in his jeans they didn't know about. After that, these nasty bags were being thrown over their hears and they were knocked up. That's what they remember from when they woke up.

Louis believed he woke up first, but stayed quiet. He was scared shitless. All he wished for that Styles was okay.

The bag smelled nasty. Like grease and sweat. Louis just knew his face was gonna get even more dirty from this dead bag. But he didn't care. He wanted to stay alive.

People were walking all around him. Louis' shoulders and arms ached from being tied together behind his back for so long. He did feel a wall behind him if some sort and was thankful he had support.

Styles was on the opposite side of the room. Yet he didn't know Louis was across from him and vice versa. Styles looked around- well attempted to. Quiet difficult to do with a damn bag over your head.

"Aye, the douche is awake, take the bag off," someone said. Right now, Styles could decipher who's voice it belonged too nor could he give two shits.

Bright lights made Styles react by closing his eyes and groaning in protest. No one cares though. Styles opened his eyes once again, getting them to adjust to the lights and looked around. He saw Louis' small body leaned up against the wall his a bag over his head. It made Styles angry and he tried to move his hands. He got restrained by the damn rope.

Jason walked up to Louis and took the bag off his head. Styles watched as Louis started freaking out and breathing in and out heavily. Jason knelt down in front of Louis and lifted his chin up.

"Why do ya keep running away?" Jason asked softly, but with his thick accent and deep, scratchy voice, he sounded scary. "Answer me or I'll slap the words out of ya mouth!"

"I-" Louis' throat clenched up and I started coughing non-stop. Cotton mouth.

"Fucking worthless." Jason spat, slapping Louis across the face causing his to wince and close his eyes shut.

"What's this?" Jason asked, pulling down Louis' shirt to expose part of his collarbones. The hickeys. "Who have those to ya, hmm? Definitely wasn't me."

Louis looked terrified.

"Leave him alone, dumbass." Styles commented. Jason looked over his shoulder and stood up to make his way over to Styles.

"What'd you just call me?" Jason was now knelt down in front of Styles who only glared at him.

"Can you not hear? Let me spell it out for you. D-U-M-B-" Jason punched Styles right in the mouth. He tried his best not to thrash around.

"Now, are you the one who have Louis those hickeys?" Jason asked although he already knew the answer.

"Yes I am."


"Why not?" Styles sassed.

"You got a thing for the lad, don't ya?" Jason snickered which made Styles look away.

Louis watched Styles in the distance. He could hear his heart thumping in his own ears. He was scared and didn't know what the fuck to do. Louis wished he could turn back time and go back to the good old days because this right here was too fucking stressful.

Time Bomb ⇨ larry a.u ✔Where stories live. Discover now