Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Nialls POV-

We've been in the bathroom for about 5 minutes now and all I can do is feel extremely guilty, since after all I'm the one who swung the door open like a maniac and hit her. Not that I did that on purpose no, but because it did hit her and I didn't mean for it to hit her or anyone for that matter.

"What should we do??" Louis says next to me staring down at the girl.

I must admit she's quite beautiful, I could probably stand here all day and admire her beauty; but we can't do that. For one that would just be wrong, I mean think about it just starring at an unconscious person that you so happened to knock out because you think there pretty and second we really need to do something about this we can't just leave her here. Which brings me back to Louis' question.

"I dunno mate honestly, do you think she came here with someone? We should probably tell them if so..." I


"Honestly I have no clue, we could see if she has a phone on her and see if she has any missed calls or anything" Louis responds

"Okay" I say. I first begin looking in her purse after a minute of not finding anything I turn to Louis and ask "do you think she could um possible have it in her back pocket?"

"You could see" he suggests

"Why me!" I whine

"Your the one that hit her in the first place"

"I didn't mean too!" I say in defense

"Well stil-"

"Shhh!" I say while putting my hand over his mouth "I think her phone may be vibrating"

I lift the girl up carefully and feel the right back pocket first. Nothing. I then switch arms and feel the left pocket. Bingo! I quickly grab the phone out of her pocket.

"Someone is calling, should I answer it?" I ask

"YES! That person could be here with her!!" Louis says real fast

"Okay, okay!" I then swipe the little arrow across the screen at the bottom to accept the call.

"What's taking so long!?" an anxious voice says as soon as I answer the call

I look down at the screen to see it says Felicity.

"Uh hi felicity, your friend is um kinda unconscious right now" I say scratching the back of my neck. A habit I tend to do when in an awkward situation or If I feel uncomfortable.

"What? Who is this!?" She asks

"Well believe me or not but it's Niall hora-"

"Seriously cut the crap, where's Katie??" She rudely cuts me off

"So here names Katie yeah? Well like I said before I may have accidentally flung the door open to the bathroom, resulting in her to black out. Now I would really appreciate it if you could come up here?" I say

"I'll be right there" felicity replies then hangs up

"Her friend or sister or whoever is with her is coming" I turn to Louis and say. He replies by nodding his head. As soon as I stand up from the crouching position I was in felicity comes barging in.

"Oh my god" she says as soon as she sees Katie.

Felicitys POV-

After ending the call I rush up stairs and over to where the bathroom is. As soon as I reach it I rush inside my eyes quickly dart down to Katie's unconscious body just as 'Niall' had said.

"Oh my god" I bend and try to shake her. At first she doesn't respond to me shaking her but after doing it a few more times her eyes start opening.

"Are you okay!?" A voice behind me says beating me to asking her the same exact question

It's only then I actually turn around an acknowledge the two figures standing behind me. When I look up I can not even believe what I actually see. Niall was really telling me the truth when he said it was him, and the Tommo himself was standing right next to him. The inner fangirl in me wants to jump right up and squeeze them to death while claiming my undeniable love for them but I push those thoughts aside and focus on the real probable.

"My head really hurts" Katie replies

She then moves to sit up more but winces and says "and my back"

Niall then kneels down next to me ands tells her how awful he feels.

"Would you guys want to come back to our hotel room? We have an on tour doctor that's always with us, we could have him check you out and make sure your okay..." Niall suggests

I nod my head quickly seeing as I'm not sure if Katie is okay or not and probably should see a doctor.

"Great, I'll call Preston and see if he can come pick us up! Again, I'm terrible sorry I didn't mean to hurt you"

Katie nods her head a little and with that Niall then proceeds to call Preston.


About 5 minutes later Preston had came and got us and took us back to their hotel which so happens to be the same hotel as ours!

The doctor just came out Nialls room which is where katie was currently.

"It appears she has a minor concussion, I will get you a prescription for the pain other then that she may experience a few symptoms such as nausea, fever, dizziness and she may want to sleep more! She also may have some bruising but nothing to bad" the doctor tells us

"Okay, thank you" I say. He nods his head in return and tells us he'll be right back with the prescription.

About 10 minutes later the doctor comes back up and hands me the prescription which I will have to fill later and put it in my purse.

I then peek into Nialls room to see Katie fast asleep.

"She's fast asleep" I say facing them

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie till she wakes up? I can call Harry and see if he wants to watch it with us I think he's over in his room and I don't know about Zayn and Liam I think there out but I'll give them a call too" Louis asks

"Sure" I Reply


OMFG I feel like this chapter took forever to write! Or am I just being over dramatic?

And seriously though guys is there even such thing as on tour docter like idk! But oh whale #yolo

Btw should I give y'all a name?? I mean not like I have tons of readers but still ... I could call y'all my little peach rings hahha Jk those sound good though -_- what about... Squishy's! I like that actually, yep it's final y'all are now known as my little squishy's!

Anyways vote, comment, share!

Ily my little squishy's xx

~ Kate Horan

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