Chapter 7

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Sorry guys it's been a while yeah? Well let's move on shall we(:


Chapter 7

Katie's pov-

We nearly arrived at Coney Island about half the time it would have taken us if we would have taken the subway instead of the car. Personally I wouldn't mind taking the subway, I actually enjoy taking the subway it's fun. Plus all the different types people you see on there is really interesting to me. For instance when felicity and I took the subway the other night there were a group of three boys probably about our age who were dancing how they could manage to dance in that tiny space beats me but they were pretty good, I actually ended up giving them three dollars but yet we've also been on the subway when a man was preaching his gospel it was kinda scary cause he was being quite loud, you could have almost considered it yelling. But that's the fascinating thing about the subway is you get to see and experience those things.

Anyways the car ride mostly consisted of us singing rather loudly and horribly at that and making small talk. Everyone was out of the car now besides Niall and I, as I was about to get out Niall grabbed my arm gesturing for me to sit back down. I comply and look at him and ask "what?"

He scratches the back of his neck and looks at me saying "I um got you something or well some things"

"What, why!!" I say

"Well I notic-" Niall was cut off by Louis banging on the window telling us to hurry the hell up. Typical Louis so damn impatient. Before I could respond and tell him we're coming, Niall shouts "we'll be out in a minute"

He then looks at me again and starts talking "as I was saying before we were RUDELY INTERRUPTED" he yells loud enough for Louis to hear "I noticed that I had cracked your screen that day and I may have boughten you an IPhone 5s and about 10 iPhone cases" he finishes

So that's what was in the bag, I then realize what he said and say"What the fuck Niall!"

"Why would you spend your money on me!"

"I cracked your screen, I saw it that day I first talked to felicity on the phone. Plus you could have used a new phone you still had the iPhone 4! As for the cases I don't have a girlfriend or anyone to spoil so I thought 'eh what the hell why not'" he tells me

"Well I appreciate that but you really didn't need to..." I say

"But I wanted to! Now come on lets go before Louis throws a fit" he says quickly leaving me no room to argue. I sigh and agree quickly getting out of the car.


The first thing we did was go get food, which actually was pretty decent. After that we walked along the pier for about a good fifteen minutes, but then Zayn out of all people I would have suspected popped the question I was dreading "who's ready to go ride some roller coasters!"

Mentally groaning as everyone excitedly agrees we head of to the general area where the roller coasters and spiny rides are. Did I ever mention I hate roller coasters and things that spin or anything like that. Yes that even includes Farris wheels, and it was all because of a stupid dare.


I was in fifth grade at the time and I was at my best friends birthday party. She had invited a few friends and we all went to an amusement park that was about an hour away.

I had never really done any big or crazy rides because I was always to short. But this year I was lucky or so I thought I was lucky and happened to be tall enough to ride most of the rides including the famous 'Mamba' that everyone loved to ride.

So me never have been able to ride any roller coasters due to my height unlike them they dared me to ride the mamba as my very first roller coaster. Not to mention it had over a 200ft drop and some crazy ass loops , I agreed anyways.

As soon I was in and it started moving up the track which would lead to the first drop, I was really started to rethink having that bag of pink cotton candy.

Long story short I got sick and it got all on me and my mom had to come get me and take me home and ever since then I have never set foot on another roller coaster.

*end of flashback*

Shuddering at the horrific memory. I grab felicitys arm and whisper though gritted teeth "I'm not going on any roller coasters"

She giggles. She fucking giggles "I figured as much you totally would flip shit if you had to"

Rolling my eyes at her I announce that I will just wait for them at the exit of the roller coaster, and that's where the teasing begins.

"Aww, is someone afraid of roller coasters" Harry teases

"Yes, now shut up" I say

"Aw poor little Katie is scared of a whittle ole roller coaster" he continues taunting me

"Shud up mate, leave her alone" Nialls steps in for which I'm grateful for.

He then turns to me and asks "would you like to go ride something else? Perhaps the Farris wheel?"

My face turns a deep shade of red embarrassed even more, I reply

"Um I actually don't like them either"

And that's when even Liam starts laughing, I'm mentally cursing out my best friend at the time for even daring me to ride that god forbidden roller coaster.

"Guys seriously stop" he says with a serious expression "Er we could go walk the pier more" he suggests. I nod in response.

"We'll catch up with you guys later" he tells them

We ended up just sitting on a bench near the end or the pier and just talking about ourselves. It was very interesting and nice to get to know Niall on a more personal level. I'll be sad when they leave.

Later that night we all got dinner at 6:30ish and soon after that we left.

As for now we were back at the guys hotel room, more specifically Harry's since Niall said his was a bit of a mess. We decided we would watch a movie or two, after a bit of arguing over what movie to watch we decided on insidious 2. I'm personally not that scared by horror movies but they do get me from time to time.

I was position next to Niall on my right and felicity on my left and next to Niall sat Harry. Liam and Louis were on the smaller couch and Zayn sat infront of Liam and Louis. We were about half way through insidious when I started to get more drowsy. Niall took notice to this and leaned over and whispered "go to sleep love, you can lay your head down in my lap" fighting the internal battle with my self with not wanting to lay on him I just gave up and laid my head down on his lap and put my feet on felicitys lap. Soon after I could feel myself falling asleep. Desperately trying to stay awake I finally let sleep overcome me.


That took me like and hour to write just that sigh, it's 2:30 am now. Good night and be happy I just wrote that for ya :p

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Ily my little squishes xx

~ Kate Horan

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