"Well What's in the box?"

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Alex's POV
"Baby all I want for christmas is youu" was all I heard the week since I got out on winter break.Watching my parents kiss under the mistletoe brought a story to my mind,and it also grossed me out a little.

Marilyn was with us for christmas this year ,since she had received a letter from her family not to come.

"Alex!where have you been all of your teachers have been saying they haven't seen you at all today!" my dad yelled at me.I wasn't the type to lie to my parents "I skipped I'm sorry"I hung my head down "with who that boy Justin" he yelled throwing his hands out."His name is Jonas and yes I was with him!" I yelled a back "YOU WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM IF I SEE YOU WITH HIM YOU WILL BE GROUNDED!" he yelled.

How was I supposed to tell Jonas that I'm not allowed to hang around with him.That'd crush his soul like a grape,same thing Shawn did to him.

He got out of the car and went to Jonas.They talked he looked at me with sadness,tears threatening to come out.His face went red,he pushed past and went on his bike.He stormed off.

Later that night I was yelled at for skipping.I was crying I went to my room.I had been grounded all break which meant no fifth wheeling Kyle and Caleb,and Chris and Adam.

The thinking of Jonas only made me want to see him more.He has shown me things no one else has ever shown me.I have felt things that are warm and beautiful.

I was starting to develop feelings for Jonas I don't know how but I was okay with them."The feels" as Kyle would say.

Scrolling through the messages of our convos made my heart flutter.I saw the last message

Sent at 11:03 pm December 1st 2015

More christmas music played downstairs.The family was in town again for christmas.

My little cousin Isabella who was 5 years old came in my room. "Alex why do you sit here sad?" she asked "I had to say goodbye to a friend"I sniffed "oh was he a good friend?"she asked."Yeah but my parents said I can't see him anymore"I said to her "but you're going to see him again I saw it in a movie once"she said.

I wish life was like a movie he would be here with me right now.

"Well life doesn't always work like that"I said "Snow white died and then came back to life from a prince,when my grandma died I kept telling mommy to have grandpa kiss her but she said no and kept crying" she said.

I smiled at her innocence "did you want to watch a disney movie?"I asked her she nodded happily.

"Do you have Frozen!" she jumped up and down.

I put in frozen,she said all of the lines and sang all if the songs.I watched how happy she was there

"my power fluries from the air into the ground,my nanananana with frozen fractures all around"She sang doing little actions "LET IT GO!LET IT GO!CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE LET IT GO!"she sang her little heart out.I smiled I was like that as a child.

Her Mom came in "I was wondering where she was, then I heard frozen being screamed.You wanna tell me what you're up to trouble maker"her mother laughed.

"Mommy Mommy Alex has a tv in her room can I have a tv in mine?!" "God no Isabella"her mother said in horror.

I got a message on my phone unknown number.I picked it up and swiped across to the notification.

Do you know who this is?
Angela stop I don't care about you and Ricky
This isn't Angela
I looked up in horror
Who is it then?
That's for you to find out
I got a little creeped out but that didn't matter tomorrow was christmas

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