Better left Unsaid

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Jonas's POV
I laid on my bed and thought about California I missed it Shawn ,Tracey, Drew ,Simone.

Flash back
"Are we all ready to go to Disneyland!" Tracey said hopping in the car "yeah,but do we have enough money for gas?" Shawn said nervously "shawn we do and if we run out of gas I stole my parents credit card" Simone said."Simone isn't that illegal?" I said to her "well what do you want disney or staying here"she said "well disney" we both said."Mmhmm thats what I though,now start the car Trace and lets get going this sun is going to make me sweat and I can't go to disney sweaty" she said,Drew started the car "do we all have our ear hats?" Shawn asked "we're going to disney land you can get them there" I said to him.

When we got there Tracey and simone went off to talk to the princesses while we went on some of the rides. "Now the girls said to meet them at 12 at Aurora's so guess we have to talk to them "Drew said "guys look Splash mountain!" I said pointing ."Guys we have to go on that one" I said "yeah let's go!" Shawn said "but guys look at the line"Drew said " come on Drew live a little" Shawn said."Lets go Jonas " he said,we ran to the line like little children we were excited,until the line seemed like it was going no where until finally we got to go on the ride.

"Here it comes the big splash!" Shawn said "AHHHHHHHH!" we both yelled as the rode went down. When we got off we saw the picture of us going down Shawn was looking at me like I was crazy,and me well ny hair was up in the air and my eyes were wide open. Our clothes were soaked "good thing I gave my phone to drew"Shawn said "um... Shawn" I said "you gave me your phone" I said.I watched his eyes turn into a horrored look "my phone!" he squealed,"aww man now I'm going to have to work to get a new one"he said "no it still works you have on a life proof case remember" I said to him.He looked relieved "yes see this is why I always say just in case" he said. "Yes but you gave it to me" I said to him, "lets go!guys its almost 12" drew said. "Drew how come u didn't come with us?" I asked " because I'm not in the mood for looking stupid and getting wet"he said me and Shawn laughed "you guys are pervs" he said laughing with us.

We met the girls "oh Jonas look it's peter pan!" Simone pointing "Let's go!" I said pulling her with me."hey what's up " he said to us "the sky" I said he laughed a little to hard "so how did you guts come here?did you fly?!" he asked "no we came here by car"Simone said "Jonas we have to get going I wanna eat some food"she moaned pulling my arm "is she your girlfriend?" he said "Simone my girlfriend hahahahahahaha!" I laughed.She punched me in my arm "no" I said in pain I pulled out my phone "could you say hi to my brother?" I said to him "yeah sure where is he?" he said looking around "he's in the camera"Simone said "how did you get him in there?" peter asked tappin at the camera."Okay that's it I'm done goodbye peter pan"she said dragging me away.

That day we went on more rides and ate more food,we got ear hats and took a group selfie with Tracey's selfie stick.We had churros, we stayed there until the fireworks had ended and finally it was time to go home.

I sat there and looked at the picture of all of us,Simone in her usual state done with everyone,Shawn was smiling,Drew gave a fish face with his eyes crossed,I had my tongue out with my eyes closed,Tracey gave the nicest face there. "I miss you guys"I said a tear rolled down the side of my face "Jonas why are you crying?"Michael asked "I'm not crying my eyes are just sweating"I said "mom said that real men cry" he said."GET OUT!"I shouted at him "fine okay hope your eyes stop sweating"he said walking out.I sat on my bed I looked at my laptop I picked it up and went on it.I logged into skype I clicked onto Simones name I hit the video call button she didn't answer none of them did. "I guess you're all still mad at me" I said I put my head in my hands and cried. I received a message on my phone from Alex
"hey look out your window"
I looked out my window to see Alex standing there with her car.I opened up my window "what are you doing Tink?" I said smiling trying to cover the fact that I just cried."Well I wasn't doing anything and I wanted to go see if maybe you wanted to go stargazing with me?" she said awkwardly "yeah sure!" I said jumping out of the window."Jonas if you keep being like that you're going to kill yourself" she said " I already have" I said to her, she giggled and rolled her eyes.We jumped in the car I drove to the old spot in the country side we sat on the hood of the car.Her eyes were like saphires,her face was beautiful enough to have your heart in a quick second.She was telling me stories about her past, she giggled I smiled, her personality was amazing.Her hair was beautifully messy in the best way possible,the way her face lit up when she talked about her dreans made me want them for her.

"When I grow up like fully, I want to become a journalist"she said "for the news or for like celebrity news"I asked "I don't know probably the news news"she said."Look the big dipper"she said pointing her eyes widened even more "your eyes are beautiful"I slipped out "what?!" "nothing"I said turning away."Oh okay"she said looking back up at the stars "I love this"I said "love what?" she asked "the stars stargazing,me and my friends yused to do this all the time" I said smiling."What were they like?" she asked "awesome,we all had different personalities that just blendid well together.Me as usual akways messing up everything" I said "what do you mean?" she asked "Well one week before I left I got in a fist fist fight with Drew the mistake that I made was I pushed Drew he got knocked out cold they had to race him to the hospital.Shawn was the only one who actually stayed my friend until the day before I left but you already know that story"I said.She hugged me "I know how you feel"she said to me,she was warm her arms were around my neck she let go."Me and Aubrey were so close then one day she really started to pick on me and that's when I knew it was over it was  my fault I shut her out so her tribe shut me out" she said a tear rolled down her face.I put my hand on her cheek and wiped the tear away with my thumb,"come on let's go"she said.

We got in the car I turned on the raido cool kids by echosmith played we sang along."They all got the same heartbeat but hers is falling behind!And nothing in this world could ever bring them down yeah their invincible and she's just in the background!" she sang along.I smiled as I watched her rock out to a song "AND SHE SAYS I WISH THAT I COULD BE LIKE THE COOL KIDS CAUSE ALL THE COOL KIDS THEY SEEM TO FIT IN I WISH THAT I COULD BE LIKE THE COOL KIDS LIKE THE COOL KIDSSS!"we sang at the top of our lungs we bumped our heads "yeah their living the good life,Can't see what she is going through,their driving fast cars but they don't know where they're going"we sang."In the fast lane living life without knowing"we sang "get ready for the part get ready"I said "AND HE SAYS I WISH THAT I COULD BE LIKE THE COOL KIDS CAUSE ALL THE COOL KIDS THEY SEEM TO FIT IN, I WISH THAT I COULD BE LIKE THE COOL KIDS,CAUSE ALL THE COOL KIDS THEY SEEM TO GET IT" we shouted "Aw yeah! We hit that we totally hit that!" she said and gave me a high five.
It was dark we were driving through a path so the only light that was on was the car lights."JONAS!HIT THE BRAKES!" she shouted I slammed on the brakes,a teenager ran across."Jonas you almost hit someone" she said we were both breathing heavy "oh my god" I said putting my hands on my head."I can't do anything right!" I cried "um...Jonas are you okay"she said brushing my hair out of my face.

I pulled the car over and told her everything that happened even about Sarah.I didn't tell her that I had feelings for her "if you cry I won't judge" she said I cried,like a baby too. "I can't do anything"I cried "aww you poor baby" she said I could her eyes watering.I wiped her tears she wiped mine I put my hand at the back of her head pulling her head closer to me our foreheads touched she started crying a little bit. I looked into her big brown eyes she looked into mine we both leaned in closer we kissed,her lips were smooth and they moved with mine,this went on for about a minute.She pulled away "I shouldn't be doing this" she said looking away from me."I'm sorry"I said looking out the window "somethings are better left unsaid,you know?" she said rubbing the back of her neck.I dropped her off home Marylin came running outside "JONAS!" she yelled "heeeeyyyy.......Marylin"I said waving and walking away.I walked home and got told off for sneaking out and coming back late.

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