I want what you have

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Jonas's POV
I walked out of the closet Ricky was heading straight for me."Heyyy Ricky"I said he was looking mad,I swallowed slowly and nervously hoping he wasn't going to do anything."No!" he said turning me around and slamming me into the lockers,

"No!" he said turning me around and slamming me into the lockers,

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"okay...um..how's it going"I said "don't play coy with me Stedman,I'm gonna get something tonight"he said "wow have some fun with pizza and ice cream"I said to him."No I'm getting her,that's right the girl you've wanted since you laid your little eyes on her" he said "if you lay one finger on her I swear-""she's my girlfriend you can't lay a finger on her" he cut me off.

I push passed him and was about to walk off."I'll tell you if she screams or moans"he said chuckling I turned around and threw a punch he caught my fist "I don't do birthday punches"he said.My face was red with anger "I should kill you"I said "well why if you lay a hand on me I'll tell her," he said I ripped my hand out of his."Shall we turn back to the time when you and thomas fought,she hated you even more when you took her to that party.She walked out on you,but one thing I promise she won't do it to me mate"he said,he had a smug look on his face "you son of a b-" "wow you would really call my mother that, now doesn't this sound familiar,now I know two things about you 1 rude and 2 is a cry baby,"he smirked micheivously. "I read her messages with you,yeah sure you almost got me woth that stargazing and wrestling,but lately well should I say today she's been avoiding you"he said I started to get seriously angry "I otta punch you" I said tightning my fist.

"Yes but me and you both know why"he said "I'd give you another black eye" he said laughing."Just don't hurt her"I said looking at my feet "I won't I'm going to give her what she needs,now get to class Stedman you're about a half an hour late"he walked away chuckling.

I stormed into science class,everyone looked at me like I just killed someone."JONAS!WHY ARE YOU LATE!?" Mr.Whale shouted "I'M LATE BECAUSE..."I looked up at the class,Caleb was sitting next to Alex,Kyle with Marylin,Sarah with Lia.My eyes scattered like something was running around Where's Ricky? I  thought to myself,I saw my seat next to Thomas "sorry we were late me and Jonas had a little sitution that we needed to take care of"he said "okay head to your seats"Mr.Whale said walking away to his chair.

I sat next to Thomas "hey bro,feel like I ain't spoken to you in forever"he said chewing on a pencil."Yeah how's you and Aubrey?" I asked like I cared "we good, sparks are still flying"he said,I wasn't going to bother about asking him about Alex."Oh and by the way I'm over Alex" he said in my ear,"GENTLEMEN,THOMAS AND JONAS STOP TALKING!"Mr.Whales shouted."Sorry!"I shouted "hey you ever think that Mr.Whales has small man syndrome?"Thomas said leaning on his chair."Well when your that hairy and that small something has to be wrong"I said,"it doesn't even matter,he fails anyone who walks in this room"he said"the only person passing is that loner Alex"he said."Oh come on man don't be mean she has friends"I said "yeah okay" he said sarcastically.

I looked over to her she waved I waved back,and earned a death glare from Ricky.I looked at the worksheet that was being handed out,tomorrow was the parent teacher conference so my kissing up game was bad right now. My grades were good so it was nothing to worry about, but it's the little comments the teachers say.

The bell rang and it was time for Geography, Alex sat at the back of the class with me so I guess that was a problem. I walked in and sat in my seat, she sat down and didn't look at me.

"Alex, you said that you can't see from back there, come sit next to... Aubrey" he said. I saw her look up in horror

Alex's POV

"Um... No thank you I see better here" I said praying to god he would let me stay, "but back September you said you can't see from back there" he said to me sternly. I am not going down without a fight I thought to myself "Mr. Grove I said no thank you"  I said "Ms.Delore move or else I call your mother" he said getting mad "tell her I said hi" I said going back down  at my work. The whole class was in aww no one had ever seen me like that, I had never seen me like this.

I looked over to Kyle who had her hands over her mouth, "seems like the girl who never says anything finally said something" Kendrick said trying to start an applause "Mr.Robinson!" Mr.Grove shouted "to soon?" Kendrick said.

After school I went with Ricky to his house, I had some cake and ice cream no one was home so it was just the both of us. He turned on the fireplace and sat on the couch next to me,I snuggled up to him.He placed his hand on my butt,"Ricky"I said playfully."What?I can't play around"he said smirking,he pinched my butt."Okay"I said laughing,"what movie do you want to watch?" he asked "mean girls"I said "ugh,please no"he said."Fine frozen"I said "No please no"he begged "Note book?"I said "fine,okay"he said "yay"I said.

He played the movie and then sat back on the couch with me.He turned my head towards him and he kissed me,the kiss grew stronger and stronger and stronger,he sat me on his lap and kept going.At that point it was all Ricky,and Jonas was just a friend,he moved down to my neck he unclipped my bra,that's when I pulled away."What are you doing"I said in disgust "I thought maybe we could"he said,"hahahaha,you're funny,you'll have to marry me first buddy"I laughed clipping back on my bra.I looked at him,this is all I want,I walked home it was a mistake that it takes to make someone feel bad.I was finally becoming a loyal person and all the things in my mind went away for the time being.

Jonas's POV
I sat on my bed with my phone in my hand wondering if I should call her and tell her about Ricky.The whole thing was ruining my mind,him on her,him kissing her,them on top of each other.I didn't know it but a tear rolled down my face.

Michael knocked on my door "Jonas are you okay"he said through the door,I felt bad being mean to him recently.I opened the door "anyone with you?"I asked him "no?"he said "let's go get some food and have fun"I said smiling.He smiled and nodded,we walked downstairs.

"Jonas take the car"my mom said tossing me the keys,"ok!" I said fist pumping.We hopped in the car and turned up the radio Stay the night was playing.Michael was jamming out like crazy "there is a reason why you're my brother"I laughed.He continued jumping around until he hit his head on the ceiling of the car.

When we got there we got our ice cream and sat by the dock."Do you miss it Jonas?" he asked "miss what?" I asked back "California"he said."Well of course I grew up there,but I mean sometimes you have to grow up even if you don't want to"I said licking my triple chocolate ice cream."Yeah I guess you're right"he said,"but then when am I wrong though"I said picking at my fingernails. This helped me a lot to get Alex doing it with Ricky off of my mind,sort of.

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