H u n g e r

126 14 7

S o n g : B l a c k o u t - T r i t o n a l

C h a p t e r XXXVI
V i r i d i a n

My finger gently brushed down Kenna's soft skin as she laid on my chest asleep. Being with her wasn't like anything I'd ever experienced. She kept up with me even when I'd lose control over my bloodlust. Everything about her seemed to be made to fit with me -even if she was also made to hurt me with her deadly claws and silver tears.

"Come back," Kenna's hands balled into fists as she suddenly whimpered in her sleep. Her eyes squeezed shut as a tear escaped and rolled down her flushed cheek.

My thumb automatically brushed the painfully acidic tear away, my eyebrows furrowed as she began to cry harder. No doubt she was dreaming about the forest again. She always cried at night from it; I had heard her in the room she was staying in while I wasn't yet asleep. Normally I'd find a way to wake her up while also keeping my distance. I hated seeing or hearing her upset. Especially seeing as it was my fault.

My hand cupped her cheek as I placed a kiss on her wrinkled forehead, trying to smooth it out again. "Wake up, Kenna." I murmured, brushing back her brown messy hair. "It's just a dream." My lips kissed her face in random places as I tried to bring her back to me.

After a few more tries to coerce her into waking up, her lids fluttered open slowly. She sniffled as her bright green eyes finally saw past her dream. "Viridian?" She wiped her wet eyes and cheeks with the back of her hand.

"Evening, Kenna." I smiled lightly, trying to brighten her mood while I frustratedly ran my hand through my tangled hair with a stretch. My chest felt tight. I just wanted to take her pain away.

She rested her head on my chest in deep thought, drawing swirls on my shoulder and arm that was holding her to me. "I miss the forest," she mumbled her confession, her eyes filling with tears once more.

I frowned, feeling the anger bubble up like acid in my stomach. "I know. I'll make it better, Kenna. I promised you." My voice was stern as I lifted her chin slightly so she would look into my eyes. "Trust me. I'll bring the forest back to you no matter what."

She nodded, exhaling loudly as she sat up and pulled the white sheet around her perfect body. "I trust you." Her cheeks grew red as she smiled embarrassedly at me while checking me out not at all secretively.

With a chuckle, I sat up and pulled her back into my arms as I wrapped them around her tiny frame. I didn't want to ever let her go now that I had touched every inch of her. "Any regrets, little beast?"

She giggled and shook her head on my shoulder, "That should be obvious. How about you, Vampire?" Her hands held the sides of my neck timidly.

Sweeping her up from the bed with the bed sheet, I wrapped an arm under her knees and waist, before hopping off the mattress. "Just that I waited so long to kiss you." I smirked down at the beautiful girl while she rolled her eyes just as her stomach growled. "You should eat." With another glance down at the girl in the bed sheet, I brought us to the kitchen in a flash as she blinked in surprise.

"I don't even get to put clothes on?" She scrunched up her cute nose as I sat her on the countertop. She struggled to keep her body hidden with a soft huff while the sheet tangled tightly around her, exposing one of her perfect legs, all the way up to her hip bone. Her body was intoxicating.

Smiling amusedly at her, I shook my head. My fingers entangled into her wild hair before I brought her into a deep but quick kiss. "You're far too beautiful for clothes, little beast. You don't need them." Kissing her perfectly pink lips once more, I released her and began to make her something to eat.

She scoffed at me, sliding off the counter as she started to wash our dishes from lunch time. "I thought you said you had a butler?" Her voice was nonchalant as she filled the sink with soapy water and let the syrupy plates soak.

I found her warm arms around me as she held onto my chest from behind me. "He's just been missing for a few days." I frowned, feeling her lips brush against my tensed back, "It's not unusual for him to go off so it's nothing to worry about." At home he would always leave but I didn't think he would leave so soon after coming Above. Especially just as Kenna had been attacked. It didn't sit well with me. Then again, torture wasn't Miguel's thing; he was much like me in that way. He enjoyed the hunt but once he caught his prey he didn't like seeing them suffer. His venom made people drowsy and unable to feel pain. Kenna's attacker definitely wasn't so restrained by a moral compass...

"You still sound worried." She pointed out while I tried to continue chopping up vegetables after preparing the chicken. It didn't seem like a task I could finish with her touching me.

Her fingers softly traced down my abs, teasing me obliviously. She drove me crazy with each simple brush of her skin on mine. Even her warm breath on my back and the pressure of her body pressed against mine was stimulating my every nerve.

I guess I was hungry as well.

Catching her off guard, I turned in her arms, pulling her into an all consuming kiss as my hand held the side of her face. She leaned up on her tiptoes in an instant, throwing her arms around my neck and embedding her fingers into my hair. My own hands quickly drifted down her body and picked her up by her thighs just as the thin sheet finally fell to the floor and revealed her completely before I wrapped her up tighter into me

My lips hungrily moved across her jaw to her ear, "Told you, you didn't need them, little beast." I purred dangerously before bringing her body roughly down into me as she cried out and threw her head back from the sudden pleasure while she clawed at my back desperately. I hissed out a string of curse words, the pleasure and pain combining into a mind-blowing ecstasy that made me merciless on her tiny but perfect body.

It seemed as though I couldn't even part from her longer than an hour. Not that I was complaining.


Thanks for reading and sticking with me!
Sorry for not updating for a while xx

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