Chapter 3

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Riko's POV

6:30 P.M.

I just got home from dad's workout gym.I didn't ate supper today,don't know why I did that but I had a feeling of doing so.I walked up to my room and catapult myself unto the bed.I turned to the side and noticed something on my desk.I stood up and grabbed it since it was just meters away from my bed.

It looked quite suspicious since I didn't even put such a thing there.Then there was my name,written on it.I opened it and there I saw a letter so I decided to read it.

After I read the letter.....

'W-what w-w-was t-th-at ?!!..Hyuga?...w-what.....'

'Maybe this is just a prank?'

I took out my phone then dialed 'Junpei'

Hyuga's phone: beep.....beep....beep....Sorry but the number you have dialed is currently unattended,please try again later..

Riko: Bastard!Open your fuckin phone!

And I kept calling but still futile

I was in ultra panic mode by now.Who would do this?and why? I was about to sprint out of the window when I remembered the dress part.

Dress!...the damn dress!...where do I fucking get a stupid dress?!..Okay Aida,calm down,it's still 6:35....Where do I get a dress?...Wait,dress...a girly dress....dress...dress...dress!!! Goddammit Aida!you're a woman!THINK!!!

She paced back and forth inside her room.

6:40 P.M.

processing(20%)...........................processing(50%)...........................processing(75%)...........................processing(99%)...........................process complete........buffering.......buffering......

Then an imaginary light bulb appeared above her this😃💡

Booby Traps!.....that's right!booby traps!...she can help....

She searched her contacts for 'booby traps' then called.

???(booby traps):Hello?Satsuki Momoi speaking..

Riko:B-Momoi-san,I need your help with something urgent.Please come to my house and bring or any of the sort and please please please hurry because this is really important!😥😖😭😫

Satsuki:.......Processing...............remembering.......I-I'll be there?😶😕😮



Riko:1023 Fujishiro street.....

And she hung up....

-...:*:...ⓛⓘⓝⓔ ⓑⓡⓔⓐⓚ ....:*:...-

6:43 P.M.

Momoi practically grabbed every dress she could find,not only that but also grabbed some shoes to match with them,some makeup and accessories and finally shoving them in a superbly large baggage, not bothering to be neat with them this time.After all this is an emergency.She expected 'barely B-cup' to call and who in hell would even give her Momoi's number

'Oh,wait,Tetsu-kun must have given her my number'

.....She looked at the clock and it said.....

6:45 P.M.

She sprinted downstairs then outside,hastening her every step.And finally reaching Riko's house.She looked at her watch.....

6:50 P.M.

...she knocked on the door and the door litteraly flew open,letting view of a messed up Riko.Her hair was practically comparable to Kuroko-kun's bed hair by now.Her face was tottaly stressed out.She grabbed Momoi by the sleeve and ran her way to her room leaving Momoi hanging by the air.Riko looked at her wall clock and it said.....

6:52 P.M.

Riko:Momoi-san,please I need your help,just this once,onegai!

Momoi:O-okay?,yeah the dress,let's get you ready...

-*-__-* "o0o" *-__-*-

Haha.....Booby traps...haha...I can't stop...haha....t-thhahanks fo-ha readi-hah-ng

Okay!okay! I'll stop!

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