Chapter 24.

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Sorry about the late post! I now have 7 people living in my house because I took in some friends and my fiancé and I have been distracted with helping them. Thank goodness they went to a bar tonight, so now I'm gonna update my profile! Enjoy guys & gals!



I walked into my new bedroom, it wasn't like the castle at all! It was smaller, but just big enough for me and Maria! Thankfully Ezio wouldn't find us here, I unpacked our things and found some sheets in the closet. I made up the bed and sat down with Maria. I prepared her a bottle and rocked my beauty to sleep. She looked so much like Ezio, it made my heart hurt. I would always love him, but for now I just needed to prove to him that I wasn't crazy.

Once Maria was passed out I jumped into the shower. A million thoughts crossing my mind. Ezio would soon figure out Maria and I were gone. He will go crazy trying to find me. I couldn't let him though, because if I don't figure out whats going on, he will never believe me and I fear ill lose him forever.

When I got dressed I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to find Sabrina and a few more men carrying baby items. I put my finger up to my lips, and pinned towards the bed, letting them know Maria was fast asleep. Sabrina nodded and they proceeded with caution. When they finished Sabrina motioned for me to walk in the hallway. "You have been summoned by Gabriella." She whispers. "I'm sorry, who?" Sabrina sighs and smacks her forehead. "Sorry, forgot your new. Gabriella is the elder whom created this magical place. You have to go now, she doesn't like to wait. Old age, and all." I shook my head. "I can't just leave my baby." Sabrina looked at Maria and back at me. "I'll watch over her, you go ahead." I was cautious because I didn't even know Sabrina, but she's been so nice, so I agreed.

I walked up to Gabriella's door after asking many people where to go. It was huge. I knocked three times and it flew back, revealing a huge bed and a little old woman lying in it, watching television. She gasped and turned it off immediately. "My dear, my dear, please come sit with me. I've anxiously been waiting to meet you." I walked over to her side and sat down on the bed beside her. "You are the mother of the future Queen of Vampires. Do you realize this?" I looked at my thumbs and let a tear fall. "I do not want that for my daughter, I want her to do what makes her happy, I don't want her turning up like her father." I let the tears escape, flowing freely down my cheeks. Gabriella sat up, and grabbed my hand. "Do not be sad darling, Ezio is a harsh man to deal with, he's treated you so poorly, but don't let the monster win dear." I sighed, wiping my tears from my face. "He's so mean and hateful. He doesn't even believe me." Gabriella looked confused. "Believe you about what Dear?" My eyes grew huge and I forgot she was a elder witch. "I can see dead people. I saw Ezios mother, while giving birth to Maria. After I came back, his father appeared and he was evil. Told me Ezio would never love me, that he wasn't capable of it. I argued with him in front of Ezio and he freaked out on me. Told me I was crazy and that it was impossible for me to see them, because they were dead." I looked over at Gabriella and she looked as if she was lost in thought. "Isabella, your not crazy, your a medium." I beg your pardon? She must have got the hint because she slightly laughed. "A medium is someone who can contact those whom are stuck in limbo, and can not move on. If you've talked to Ezios parents than it's probably because they have unfinished business, and only you can help them." I guess that makes sense.

I thought about what Gabriella had said walking back to my room. A medium huh? Who would have thought. I opened the door and saw Sabrina playing with Maria. Maria was giggling and Sabrina was laughing. "Whoosh! I'm gonna getcha!" Maria let out a high pitched squeal. I cleared my throat and Sabrina looked up at me and my beauty smiled. "Thank you for letting me watch her, it's like I'm getting to watch Ezio all over again." I smiled at her and nodded. I prepared Maria another bottle and propped her up on a pillow so I could speak to Sabrina.
"You have to tell me everything." Sabrina laughed. "I'm a medium. I can see dead people because they haven't moved on and I have to help them. Sabrina nodded. "Gabriella told me not to give up on Ezio, So I guess I'm not going to need that baby stuff." Sabrina frowned. "Don't worry, because your coming with me." Sabrina looked frightened. "I-I can't, Isabella." I laughed. "You can and you will." She shook her head. "Isabella, he will have me killed." I shake my head. "I won't allow him." She finally agreed. She left and went to pack her things, as did I. Honey, I'm coming home.


I hope you all enjoy it. It took me a while to complete it but it was worth it I guess. I didn't really feel this chapter.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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