Chapter 10

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Sealia Wickham POV

              The Peacekeeper closest to me snatched my wrists and bound them tightly together with plastic cuffs. The hard edges dug cruelly into my skin and I struggled to maintain a strong front; I refused to let them see me cry. They shoved me roughly out of the room and I sucked in a sharp breath when I spotted Gears. He wobbled slightly as he walked towards me and it was then that I saw the angry-red mark on his cheek. His eyes were wide with fear but I could tell he was trying his best to be brave.

              “March!” barked one of the Peacekeepers as he jabbed his baton into my side. The sudden motion caught me off guard and I stumbled, falling on my face, unable to right myself with my hands behind my back.

              “Stop! You’re hurting her!” cried out Gears, defiance flashing momentarily on his face. “It-it’s unnecessary.” He added quietly when he felt all their eyes on him.

              “Then move.” Hissed the masked Peacekeeper in the corner; the one who had spoken before. “…and don’t make me repeat myself.”

              Gears edged closer and I managed to lean and prop myself on him, finally on my feet again. We walked quietly through the vacant hallways. All the doors were closed, everyone was asleep, and I realized that no one would see them take us. There would be no witnesses. The terror threatened to choke me when we passed my room; suddenly the mess I’d gotten us into was all too clear, I couldn’t control myself. I shook terribly and a small sob escaped me.

              “It’ll be fine Sealia. Everything will be Ok.” Gears whispered trying to calm me.

              “Silence.” commanded the masked Peacekeeper, who had apparently decided to take the reins of the situation. We continued to the elevators and rode down in silence.

I can’t believe it.

Is this really happening?

Those things I read…

Could they be true?

Am I dreaming?

This is all so surreal.

              The doors slid open and as we walked out of the lobby and into the cold night air I heard a faint buzz.

It worked!

My message has arrived.

Hope these meatheads didn’t hear anything.

Please understand what I’m doing Gears.

              I saw Gears stiffen as his P.I.C.  vibrated softly.  I glanced fearfully at the Peacekeepers but they didn’t seem to take notice of anything other than the car before them. I cast a fleeting glance at Gears and hoped he’d recognized what I’d done; that I wasn’t crazy, that my plan had been well founded. If they’d somehow found out I’d sent a copy of the message to someone who would be the last person they’d suspect?  Certainly not my accomplice, no, they thought me too clever for that.

Pshh, even if they did find out I sent a copy it wouldn’t help them.

They’d never be able to figure out the name.

Hah! I’d love to see them try to unscramble the encrypted address.

              Gears stared at me wide eyed, incredulous, but with an unnoticeable motion nodded. He’d understood, or at least decided to trust that I knew what I was doing. When we reached the car he faltered and lurched forward into the nearest bush.

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