The Day When Everything Changed

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It was another night for another patrol around the city of love, Paris.

Chat Noir arrives surprisingly early at the meeting place, his legs shivering nervously, making him fall on his knees once he dropped down. There were beads of sweat slowly dropping down from his forehead to his cheeks as he pants for air.

It wasn't usually like this. He never felt this nervous before.

His heart beats harshly against his ribcage as thoughts of rejection came flooding into his mind. This was it. He was gonna confess his love to his lady. And he was scared. He was scared to be rejected.

Scared to be left.

He still remained on his knees, feeling his heart beat rapidly, staring at the dark, cold ground.

"And I thought cats always fall on their feet."

Chat Noir stiffened once he heard her angelic voice. His heart couldn't beat any faster. He chuckles and stands up, trying to maintain his confident aura.

"Not when you're there, my lady," he says playfully, "I will always fall when you're in sight."

Ladybug rolls her eyes, feeling annoyed with his corny jokes and puns.

"Haha, okay," Ladybug replied sarcastically. "Let's patrol south first."


After the patrol, they decided to rest for a while on the Eiffel Tower, admiring the city's beauty.

Chat Noir kept on staring at the clueless Ladybug, watching as her pigtails sway gracefully with the cool wind, her sky blue eyes glimmering in delight as she silently enjoys looking at the tiny running cars.

His lips twitched, not knowing what to say first.

Ladybug noticed Chat's uneasiness, making her head whip to her side, looking into Chat's green cat eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Ladybug asked, curious and concerned. She never saw Chat Noir looking like this. It was like he was terrified of something. She thought it was kinda cute-for a moment there she actually thought that he looked like a tiny kitten pleading for help. "Did something happen?"

Getting annoyed with a silent answer, she snapped. "Chat, just tell me. It's annoying, you know? Did someone do something to you? Are you hurt? Are-"

"I like you." Chat said out of the blue. Those three words made Ladybug stiffen-that wasn't what she was expecting.

"W-What?" Ladybug breathed in disbelief, her sky blue eyes wide open in pure shock.

Chat Noir, realizing what he has just said, blushed uncontrollably and looked away. "I.. I love you, my lady." he managed to say once more.

Ladybug's heart melted. "Aw, Chat, I love you too, you silly kitty."

Chat Noir pouted, knowing what those three words meant for her. How was she so oblivious?

"No, my lady.. I love love you."

Ladybug frowned, knowing that she doesn't feel the same way. But she couldn't bare to see her best friend get hurt. But she has to tell the truth.

"I'm sorry, Chat.. But.. I.."

"I like someone else.."

Chat Noir's heart broke, all the hope in his spirits shattered into pieces. This was what he feared the most. Rejection.

Chat Noir forced a laugh, tears streaming down his cheeks as he felt his heart break. "I get it," he scoffed, his voice cracking. "I'm not good enough for you."

Ladybug wanted to cry too, because she doesn't want to see him like this. It hurt her.

"No, Chat, it's.. Not.. Like that-"

"Yes, yes it is!" Chat cuts her off, standing up, getting ready to leave. He doesn't want to see her face for now. "I'm never good enough for you. Maybe because, I'm just one stupid cat. Oh, right, I am so stupid. So so stupid to actually fall for you."

Ladybug was about to say something, but in a blink of an eye, he was gone.

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