Chapter One

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Chapter One

Ladybug safely arrived home with a heavy heart. What happened at tonight's patrol was very unexpected. And for the first time, she actually felt very concerned of her partner, Chat Noir.

She quickly detransforms into an ordinary, clumsy girl, Marinette. She felt a little free when the Ladybug suit was finally gone from her skin for a while for it held a very sad memory.

"What have I done, Tikki?" Marinette asks the tiny kwami, letting herself fall heavily on top of her bed. Chat's words repeated endlessly in her mind, causing her to feel more and more guilty. "I hurt my best friend," she mumbles, biting her lower lip, feeling the urge to cry.

Tikki knew that Marinette in this stage wants to be alone. So she hugs Marinette's cheek, mumbled that everything will be okay, and flew to the poor girl's bag.

She can't bare to see Chat Noir once more. She felt like if she did, she was gonna break down and make things worse. It didn't even last long when she began to cry.

She just hurt someone. Someone so valuable to her. Someone who has been there by her side. She just hurt Chat Noir.


Marinette stiffened once she heard Chat Noir's voice from the balcony. She has been dreading to see him, and now he arrives. Where on earth did her luck go?

She wipes her tears and lets out a pretend cough, trying to sound sick to match her red, swollen eyes. She didn't want Chat Noir to see her crying; she wanted to be strong for him and not break down infront of him.

"C-Chat?" she pretends to cough one more, "W-What are you doing here?"

The black cat appears from the dark, his green eyes were now puffy from crying. His tail wasn't in its usual swaying-from-side-to-side-because-I-don't-care-if-I-break-something mood. It was slowly trailing behind him like a lost, wet cat.

"Oh," Chat Noir stops walking once he saw his Princess looking 'sick'. "I-I think it's not a good time to visit. I'm sorry, Princes—"

Marinette quickly sits up with her eyes wide open, and without thinking, she stopped him. "No! I'm okay! Stay! I mean, only if you want to.. Not that I don't you like - I mean not that I don't like you! I mean.." she stops talking once she noticed Chat's surprised look.

"uh.. Cough. Cough."

Dang it, Marinette cursed, I should've let him go.

Chat Noir hesitantly sat beside her, gently placing his hand on Marinette's forehead, concerned for his princess. "Are.. Are you okay?" he asked, the pain in his heart slowly fades away as he stared deep into those eyes.

But it just came back once he remembered everything.

Marinette wanted to cry. There he was, so broken and helpless, yet he was still concerned for her. He didn't mind his feelings of pain when concern has taken over.

"Just a little cold.." Marinette replies, looking away. "How about you? Are you okay?"

Chat sighs as tears began to stream down his cheeks once more. "I've been.. Rejected." he started, biting his lower lip to prevent him from whimpering.

"I actually thought that Ladybug feels the same way. I'm such an idiot. I mean, why would she like me?" Chat continued, forcing out a silent laugh as more tears were streaming down his cheeks. "I'm so stupid. I'm just her sidekick, I'm just her friend. I'm just the guy who tries so, so hard to get the girl who's out of his league. I'm just... Nothing.."

Marinette wanted to stab herself. She felt Chat's pain as if they were connected.

"Uh.." Marinette starts, trying to think of a valid reason. "M-Maybe she's not what you think she is. Maybe.. She knows that you deserve someone better..?"

Chat Noir, trying to lighten himself up, nodded and smiled. "Yeah, maybe.. Maybe you're right!"

Marinette felt like bricks quickly disappeared from her shoulders once she saw her partner smiling. "See? Maybe she knows what's best for you and—" she cuts herself off when she heard Chat's loud sobs.

He was crying again.

He was still broken.

There was still the major pain in his heart.

It was unbearable.

"Chat?" Marinette called, worry dripping from her voice.

Chat began to whimper as he quickly wiped the tears away. "I.. I'm sorry Princess.. I can't.. I.." he continues to cry like a helpless child.

"I have.. I have to go." Chat says, grabbing his baton, running towards the balcony and extended the silver stick, disappearing in the dark.

Marinette covered her face with her hands, the tears dropping on her palm.

I'm so sorry, Chat.

I'm so sorry.



YIEEEE! Thanks for all the kind comments guys! Gelpaca is happy 😂

Hope I made you emotional bc that's what it's supposed to make you feel. Did you cry? 😂 Ghad I'm so heartless.

It's kind of rushed bc I badly wanted to publish this sad Marichat part. Pfft.

Thank you also for 100+ reads! YIEEEEEEESSSSSSSS


~Gelato 🐷

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