Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

In the morning as Marinette woke up, the feeling of pain and deep regret quickly slapped her as soon as the events last night came back in a flash. She bites her lower lip, trying as hard as she could to stop her tears from streaming down her face. It was still there. She remembers Chat's hopeful, loving green eyes as he looked at her while she knew deep down inside, he was nervous. 

"Marinette," Tikki says, slowly flying towards her, "Are you sure you're gonna be alright?" 

The jet black haired girl nods slowly, sighing as she stood up. "I'll be alright, Tikki. Thank you." Though Tikki knew Marinette wasn't alright, she leaves her be. 

As soon as Marinette finished getting ready, she kissed her mom and dad goodbye and ran, her feet knowing where to go, but her mind was all black. She has never felt so regretful. 

She ran faster and faster once she felt a tear stream down her cheek, but due to her unavoidable clumsiness, she hits something, but she was sure it wasn't a wall. It was something hard, but not very much. Slowly, not moving, she raises her arms and starts to touch the strange object, rubbing it against her hands. 

Are these ... abs?  She thought as soon as she felt six hard bumps. Oh no, don't ... don't tell me ...

She quickly looked up, staring into a familiar pair of green eyes. Her heart skipped a beat once she realized that she bumped into a very wrong object. Her face starts to flush as she leaped backwards from surprise, squealing like a dying monkey. "A-Adrien!" she manages to speak, besides the very shaky lips.

The charming boy smiles weakly, "Hey, Marinette." he said, his voice slightly cracked. He turns around, leaving her awestruck and frozen from her place.

"Mari!" Her best friend, Alya, called. Marinette quickly snaps back to reality as she whipped her head to her left. 

"I'm early," Marinette says, trying to sound cheerful, "I thought I woke up late."

But no matter how hard she tried, Alya, as if she was a mother, instantly knew there was something wrong. Her warm smile slowly turned into a frown as she wrapped an arm around her best friend, looking straight into Marinette's bright blue eyes.

"Something's wrong," she whispered, "I know so. Tell me."

Marinette opened her mouth to tell everything, but it struck her. She couldn't just tell her. Even though Alya was her best friend and sister (not by blood anyway), she can't reveal her true identity as Ladybug. It would probably break Alya's heart if she knows who Ladybug really is; a clumsy, worthless human being. 

This thought broke Marinette more. She wished to tell everything to Alya. She wished to have the freedom to speak everything about her life to her. She wished to say how much her life is being so cruel to her, how she broke her partner's heart, how badly she wants someone to stab her countless of times, how much she wants Chat Noir to use the cataclysm on her, how she wants to have a normal life just like any other ...

"I'm just not feeling really well ... I can handle myself, thank you," Marinette manages to say as she smiled weakly, choking back her tears.

Alya, unconvinced, sighed and opened they're room's door once they have arrived. "I give up," Alya says, "but if you need anything, just come to me, okay?"

Marinette nods as she silently sits down, taking quick glances at Adrien's back. Somehow just looking at her crush's back and daydreaming about their future life together wasn't making her feel any better. In fact, it made things worse. His blonde hair strongly reminded Marinette of Chat Noir, his green eyes were very similar to the green of the cat's eyes. 

She groans quietly as she slammed her forehead on top of her desk, creating a loud thump. She wraps her arms around her head as she felt a tear drop from her cheek to her desk. 

Alya rubs her hand round and round Marinette's back, concerned.


Marinette seemed to be dreading this moment. Just as when she was about to move on and finally daydream about the super hot model again without hard feelings, an akuma appears in school. Awesome.

As soon as she transformed, she noticed that Chat Noir was already there, holding the akuma up.

"Ladybug!" Chat Noir yelled as his baton flew to Ladybug's forehead and hit her hard. He quickly runs towards her, kneeling down to the fallen beauty. He rubs her forehead gently, his eyes were filled with love and concern. 

"Are you okay, my lady?" the cat asked, concern evident in his voice.

Ladybug wanted to cry. She hurt him, and yet, here he was, so concerned for her, as if that small hit on her forehead was severe and might lead to a tragic death. 

"C-Chat ... I'm so sorry ..." Ladybug whispers, her eyes tearing up. Chat's eyes quickly narrowed as he stood, picking up his baton. 

"Stand up. I don't want to cause any drama," he said, his voice suddenly was cold and filled with anger. He turns around and ran towards the akumatized photographer. 

Ladybug weakly stands up, wiping her tears. She was being pathetic.

"Fine then," she says to herself, her voice cracking. "Let's fight this akuma. I don't need your help, Chat Noir."

The green eyed cat did not stop fighting. He ignored Ladybug's statement and kicked Freezer, the akumatized photographer. 

Freezer quickly regains his balance as he took his camera and took a shot of Chat but missed and had frozen a random student instead. The handsome cat smirks, enjoying the moment of having a really weak akuma. Freezer seemed to be an amateur photographer who was embarrassed by Chloe, who said that he doesn't have any skills at all.

Chat forgot his and Ladybug's situation and laughed once Freezer tripped on nothing. "Did you see that, my lady? This guy is a-"

"Didn't you hear what I said, Chat?" Ladybug asked, narrowing her eyes. "I said, I don't need you! You're useless! Unlucky! Leave!"

Chat's smile quickly fades. "Lady-"

"LEAVE! NOW!" Ladybug screams, her voice was loud and dangerous. 

Chat bites his lower lip as he looked down, angry and hurt at the same time. "Fine," he grunted, turning around, walking away.

Ladybug just stood there, ignoring the screaming Freezer. 

What have I done? 


well, this is a boring chapter. oops.

anyways, hope you liked this! :)


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