I Want Him♥

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~Tweek POV~

I wake up for school one morning. "What to wear, what to wear..." I say to myself in a rhytmic tune. "I guess I'll just put on my usual."  I throw on my dark green, button-up shirt and some blue jeans. "Ugh, what I would give to find some new clothes." I mumble to myself. I go down the stairs and open my front door. There, I see Craig. Oh...he's so perfect. Just to think about him made me nervous. But, he would never like me like that. Even if I tried to make him like me. He's too much of a bad boy. He likes girls. I sigh and walk over to them, My feet sunk in the snow. All I hear is -slooch slooch slooch- as I walk over. I go to stand by Craig. He was wearing his big fluffy blue hat. I've always wanted to hear that hat. One, because it has the smell of him on it and two it just tooks so fun to wear. I giggle to myself quietly. "What's your problem?"Craig asks me with a grin on his face. "Nothing, I just think it's funny how we wear the same clothes everyday." "Yeah, I guess that is kind of wierd." He replies. Crap!  Tweek, you did it again. You made him feel uncomfortable! Plus, You made yourself sound sooo boring. I mumble under my breath. Then I see the bus come around the corner. "Another day...another day at fucking school." Craig says. His friends laugh and give eachother hard slaps on the back. What I would give to be someone like Craig, I thought. Then, we all get on the bus and sit in our seats. Craig and his 'crew' sit in the back of the bus. Of course. "Hey buslady!" Craig shouts. "How much do you get sex from your girlfriend?" All of his friends start laughing hysterically. "Craig Tucker! How would you like it if I suspended you from the bus for a whole month?" "Pshh" Craig says waving his hand in the air. "I don't give a fuuucckkkkk." He says and flips her off. Whenever we get to school, I see the Ms. Crabstree stop Craig before he gets off. He gets some kind of paper that his parents have to sign. But, he takes it, gets off the bus, and rips it up. "I WILL be calling your parents tonight." Yells the Ms. Crabtree from her window and drives off angerly. He starts walking up to school. I follow him and his friends. "Hey Tweek." Craig says. My heart skips a beat. "Yes, Craig?" "Would you come here for a second?" He looks behind at me. As soon as my eyes met his, My heart dropped. "Ugh, sure." I walk over to his side. "Well after school today, we are going to go to a store and rob the place. You in?" He raises an eyebrow at me. "Ugh, isn't that bad?" I ask nervously. He laughs at me. "Oh Tweek, you have much to learn if you're going to hang around me little buddy." They walk off. I was left there, Just thinking. Why would Craig need to rob a store? Is he going to get in trouble with the cops? Will I? I slowly walk up to the school, and go inside.

I walk into the school and all I see is people. I see Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, and Kyle Broflovski. They were all standing by Eric's locker talking. "Hey guise!" I hear Eric Cartman yell. Everyone turns around and looks at him. "KYLE'S MOM IS A STUPID BITCH!" He laughs in Kyle's face. "Kiss my ass, JEW!" He runs away. Well that was...interesting. I start to walk down the hallway and go to my class. Whenever I walk through the door, I see Craig. Mr. Garrison looks at me. "Well welcome back Tweek. I want you to go and sit next to Mr. Craig Tucker." My heart drops. I get to sit by Craig? I squee to myself and go sit in my seat. Craig looks at me. I try to avoid eye contact but, it's just too hard. "So, you up for after school?" He grins. "Yeah, I guess I will." I reply. I know I shouldn't but, It is kind of hard to risist Craig since I'm so in love with him♥ I start to fantisise but, then Im interupted by, Eric and Kyle. "You're a stupid jew" Eric says to Kyle. Then he has a huge smile on his face. "What the hell do you want fatass?" Kyle asks in frustration. "I might actually be TRYING to get good grades this year. Now, leave me alone." I've always made good grades. I don't want to sound like a nerd or anything. But, I've always liked school. "Kyle and Eric!" Mr. Garrison interupts. "I want you both to go see the principal. That kind of behavior will NOT be tolerated in my classroom." Craigs leans over to me and whispers, "Then I'll be gone in under a week." He chuckles and puts his feet on top of the desk and leans back in his chair. Mr. Garrison comes into the classroom. "Today class, we will be learning about math!" "Great" Craig mumbles under his breath. " Today it will be easy. Since, well; Today is your first day back at school." Mr. Garrison writes a problem on the chalk board. "What is 10 times 5?" He looks at the class. "Come on class, you can do it." I was wondering off into space thinking about Craig. The warmth of his body...Everything♥ "Mr. Tweak, How about you come up and demonstrate to the class." I gulp and walk up to the chalkboard. 10 times 5...I write down 50 on the chalkboard. "Great job, Tweek. Now, You can go back to your seat now." I feel my cheeks get red with embaressment. No one else knew how to do multiplication. I sit back down in my seat and sink. I felt so embarrased. I put my hands to my face hoping that Craig wouldn't think I was a nerd and say something. Craig leans over to me. "You know how to do Math?" He asks. "Yeah." I reply very slowly. "Sometime you should help me with my Math homework. I suck at Math. And I'll pay you." He looks at me. "Okay, you can come after school sometime and I will do it." "Cool" he replies, grining. 

After school comes. Oh great, now I have to go with Craig and his 'click'. "Hey" Craig walks up to me. "You wanna go? Because we are going right now so we will have some time to get home." "Okay." I reply, confused. We start walking and then we come to the SuperMarket. It is packed at this time of day. "Follow me guys." Craig motions and all of us follow. We go into the bathroom and we change into black winter masks that cover our faces. Craig takes his hat off. He looks really good without his hat. He was jet black hair that comes and covers one of his eyes. Plus it i kind of nappy and frizzy. It looks so good on him. We all come out of the bathroom and go to the bank that is right beside it. The lady at the bank looks at us and screams. "Give me your money!" Screams Craig. I realized I didn't want to be part of this anymore, So I run home. Holy crap! I scream in my head. Why did he want to do that? I am such a nerd! Why couldn't I have just stayed there! I just betrayed them! I rushed home and ran through my door. Went up the stairs and got in my bed. My parents weren't hom yet. Thank god. They would've been up here and banging on the door asking what is wrong. I was shaking really bad. I didn't mean to abandon them like that. But, it was so scary. 

The next day I wake up and realize it is Saturday. I go downstairs and watch some TV. I browse through the channels and I deciede to watch the news. I get off the couch and go into the kitchen to make some cereal. I was pouring my milk whenever I hear "Craig Tucker" come from the TV. I run into the kitchen and I see his picture. "Chris Tucker was caught robbing the local Supermarket yesterday. He had a gun and a knife in his possesion and will be serving time in juvy." Said the newsreporter. I could not believe my ears. Craig is in juvy? MY Craig is in juvy? I knew that that was a bad idea. I knew it! I will not survive without him! I need him, I want to see him!. I run into my room and start crying. I slam my face into my pillow and sob about him. Why did he have to do that?!?! Why?!?! I realize I had started to scream. And my parents come rushing through the door. "What is wrong Tweek? Please, open the door!" They yell. "NO!" I screamed, sobbing. "I don't want to see anyone!" Then all of a sudden I pass out on my pillow.

I wake up and walk down stairs. I suddenly see my parents sitting on the couch looking at me suspiciously. "Why were you acting like that yesterday? What was wrong?" I try to hold back my tears. I swallow. "Well, Craig is in juvy now." I say slowly. "Yes, we know we saw it on the news yesterday. We told you that we didn't want you around that boy. He always causes trouble." How dare they say that about MY Craig. How dare they! They saw my facial expression get defensive. "We don't mean to be this way, Tweek. But, unfortunately; We have to." They look at me with pleading eyes. "We don't want you to be upset, But; We have to be this way." I just look into them. I don't want to hurt my parents. I never want to. But, if they find out that I love him. I don't know what they would do. I shook the thought of telling them out of my head. That is out of the question. "Yeah, I know you guys." I reply. " I think that I might've over-reacted." Even though deep down inside I am still hurting. And I WILL be until he comes back. 

"Tweek wake up." I hear vaguely. Then, I realize it is my parents. "W-what?" I reply tiredly. "Today, we give you permission to go see Craig at Juvy." I couldn't believe it. They give me permission. A sudden joy came over me and I jumped into my dad's arms and hugged him. "Thank you! I love you guys!" I put on my usual clothes and run down the stairs and out the door. 

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