Chapter 9: A Gang But Not Really

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*Ali's POV*

When I opened my eyes there was the darkness of a limo and a continuous hum of the engine. I rubbed my tired eyes, my mind blank.

Where I am? What am I doing here? How did I get here?

I look out the window as I searched my mind for answers. The trees rushed by in a hurry but nothing was making sense.

"You're awake." A chilling voice called from behind me. I squealed and pressed my back against the door. The voice struck a strange sense of calmness in me which panicked me more. I stayed silent searching for a body to the voice.

Suddenly, a small click sounds before a light shines brightly in my eyes. Instinctively, my eyes shut themselves and I winced.

I rapidly blinked as I tried adjusting to the light. There was a man, he had messy brown hair and very prominent green eyes. He was wearing a tux with a red vest under it an a red stripes tie. He was just staring at me.

Memories flooded in my head and panic bubbled from within me. Blazing thoughts ran rampant in my head.

"A-Are you going to-" I stupidly ask then stop short to afraid to continue. I watched the stranger making sure he wasn't going to do anything.

"Don't be afraid, buttercup." The man cooed softly, "I'm not going to kill you, rape you, or harm you in anyway."

Something in my gut told me to believe him but mind was clouded with fear.  He sighed and knocked on the window to the driver. The window slowly rolled down.

"Yes, Alpha" I listen intently, the word alpha made me curious. Maybe he is in charge of a gang.

"Can you go any faster without getting in trouble?"

"Afraid not, alpha. I'm going ten over already." The man silently nodded an the window rolled up just as slow as it came down.

"I'm not joining your gang." I mumbled almost incoherently.

"You're not joining my what?!" A smile broke across his face.

"You're gang. I'm not joining," my voice getting a bit stronger, a lot stronger than I felt.

"My gang?" He chuckles loudly. "Wait, you're not serious, right?"

"Deadly. You're probably going to kill me anyways so might as well refuse doing any thing you want." He laughed at the beginning then it was cut short by a small growl-like sound.

"No one is killing you. If they try to hurt you, I would kill them." My eyes widened and I turned away. My heart skipped a beat out of fear.

"So you are a gang leader?" I keep my head down as I ask.

"No, buttercup. I'm not a gang leader, I mean not really.."

"Not really?!" I pushed my body into the door harder subconsciously.

"It's not a gang per-say but it is like a gang. Does that make sense?? No , of course it doesn't. Well um we stick up for each other, like a gang would. But we're not a gang. Well maybe we are in some peoples terms. I'm not sure... Let's just say no we're not a gang."

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